



21-25:DBDCA 26-30: CBCBD 31-35: ABDCA

A篇21-23: DBD

21. D; 由第一小标题段The only way to reach this famed car-free island is by boat and ferry...可知。

22. B; 由第二个小标题段... this waterway flowing out of the Great Smoky Mountains is largely undeveloped.可知。

23. D; 四个地方都提到fall colors B篇24-27: CACB


24. C; 细节理解题 由第一段“Many believe it not only represents the rise of the country as a tech power, but

also shows respect to classical Chinese culture by naming the system “Hangmen” in Chinese. ” 许多人都认为,该操作系统不仅代表着中国作为科技大国的崛起,系统名字“鸿蒙”更是向中华古典文化致敬。由此可知,C项正确。

25. A; 词意猜测题 根据此句中的“unlike any other”可知,“鸿蒙”系统是一个有别于其他系统的有创意的


26. C; 细节理解题 根据第五段 “Many Chinese internet users and media have praised Hawaii’s use of these

names, “as they stand for Chinese wisdom and ancient people’s imagination and spirit of exploration”, Global Times noted.” 可知,媒体和网民对这些名字是非常赞许的。

27. B; 推理判断题 由“Earlier this month it became the biggest animated movie in China and was called “the

glory of domestic anime(动漫)”. 可知《哪吒之魔童降世》这部电影的社会评价很高,是一部成功的国产动漫电影。


28. C; 细节理解题。从第一段最后一句“...who slept the recommended six to eight hours a night”可知,研究人员推荐的睡眠时间是6至8小时。此题干扰项为A项,其表述缺少原文重要信息“…were 12% more likely to…”。

29. B; 推理判断题。第四段中 “Modern society has seen a gradual reduction in the average amount of sleep… it may be due to societal pressures for longer working hours.”现代人睡眠的减少有可能是因为工作时间延长了。 30. D; 细节理解题。由第五段“However, whether to achieve the goal depends on various factors such as the environment as well as measures of public health aimed at favourable changes of the working environments”, 工作环境的良性变化会对睡眠带来好的影响。

31. A; 主旨大意题。本文整篇都围绕着睡眠长短展开讨论,但并没有一个明确的答案,因此A项的标题可以概括全文。B, 与文章不符,C, D项重点偏离。

D篇32-35: BDCA

32. B;本题考察细节的归纳能力,从第一段“applying learned lessons to real life is more important than homework”可以看出B项正确。


33.D;本题为推理题,从第六段最后一句话“The positive results we have been seeing in the students from meditation are amazing. ”可推出D项正确。

34. C; 本题为猜测词义题,根据最后一段,可以看出infusing意义为“灌输,培养,激发”较为合情合理,故选C项。

35. A; 本题考察主旨大意,纵观全文,答案应该是A。文章是总分模式,第一段最后一句话 These are a few of the concepts that make Space of Mind School unique.是文章主旨,选项A只是换了一个说法.


参考答案36--40 ABGFE


41-45. BACBC

46-50. ADBBC

51-55. DACDD

56-60. ABCDA


41. B; 与后文thousands of years of history和over the years对应。 42. A; 树与数千年历史有直接“关联”。

43. C; 树“让(艺术家)有创作灵感”。与下文的a science fiction story对应。 44. B; 我“偶然发现”一个科幻故事。

45. C; 来自先进文明的“访客”。与下文aliens对应。 46. A; 宇宙飞船“降落”在森林里。 47. D; 外星人与森林里的树 “交谈”。

48. B; 认为地球居民高尚、智慧、热爱和平,外星人“高兴地”离开。 49. B;树“意识到、清楚”团队精神的重要性。

50. C;树懂得对一个社会而言合作比“竞争”更有利。

51. D;科学家们才刚刚开始明白树的团队合作是怎样“起作用”的。 52. A;处于有利“位置”的强壮的树会分享自己养分和水分。 53. C;吸收到较少阳光的“较弱”的树。与同句中strong对应。 54. D;通过“合作”,整个树的群体更强壮了。 55. D;巨杉树的“根”在地下共生。 56. A;共生的树根就像在“牵手”。

57. B;面对强风和洪水,合作共生的巨杉树“确实”更强壮了。 58. C;树对于环境而言“至关重要”。 59. D;树对于“地球”的生存极其重要。 60. A;树还可能“给予”我们更多。 语法填空

61.was asked;考查动词时态和语态。 62. his;考查物主代词。

63.frightened;考查词形变化,做表语,感到害怕。 64.punishing;考查动名词,充当介词宾语。

65.successfully;考查词形变化。用副词形式修饰动词 66.hands;考查名词单复数,two tiny hands 两只小手 67.with;考查介词。固定搭配:fill sth. with sth. 68.knew;考查谓语动词,根据语境,用过去时

69.which\\that;考查定语从句,which\\that指代前文内容mistakes 70.valuable;考查形容词,作后置定语修饰something。



During the National holiday, I tried a new way to explore the Forbidden City, where left me ^deep which a impression. To avoid waste time buying a ticket on the spot, I made a reservation online. I got my ticket wasting

from a machine without difficulty and start the exploration. I was deep attracted by the grand started

architecture. To my excited, I could scan the QR codes to get detailed informations. With the VR excitement information glasses on, I even found me back to the time when the palace was under construction. How impressive! myself

I found the Forbidden City both traditional or modern because of our history is made alive here. and


Possible Version 1: Dear Peter,

Hearing that you are interested in the Microfilm Exhibition Activity organized by our Students’ Union, I feel it my pleasure to introduce to you some relevant information about it.

Scheduled to be held in mid-November, the activity aims to share the recorded wonderful moments of how the younger generations show their love for their motherland. So meaningful is the activity that it will surely offer us a great opportunity to embrace our cultural roots. Anyone who is interested and skilled at video-making can sign up for it. The microfilm is required to be a 15-minute one and should be handed in before the end of October.

I am convinced that it will also serve as a good chance for you to show your talent for shooting a film as well as your love for your country. Seize this chance and you won’t regret it. Looking forward to your participation.


Li Hua

Possible Version 2: Dear Peter,

Hearing that you are interested in the Microfilm Exhibition Activity organized by our Students’ Union, I am glad to tell you some details about it.

With the theme “My Motherland and Me”, the activity is scheduled in mid-November, from November 10th to 20th. It aims to offer a good opportunity for students from different countries to show their love for their motherland. It’s expected that through the microfilms, students can have a better understanding of different cultures and recent development of various areas as well as the values their peers hold. The time length of the woks should be limited to (within) 15 minutes with clear pictures and sound. Anyone who is interested and skilled at video-making can sign up for it at our school wetsite and send their works to 2019Microfilm@qq.com before November 5th.

As I know, you have a talent for shooting microfilms. I’m sure your works will bring us a wonderful visual experience.

Looking forward to your participation.


Li Hua


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