
自杀 __________________ 在后面 ________________________ 在前排 ___________________ 发现…怎么样 ___________________ 没这么好的运气______________________


Unit 2. It’s a wonderful town.

Preparation: Read the key words loudly.

probably adv. 有可能;或许 Entertainment n. 娱乐 nightlife n 夜生活 stadium n. 体育场;球场 forum n. 论坛 subject n. 主题 director n. 导演 book v. 预定 ballet n. 芭蕾 musical n. 音乐剧 include v. 包括 Task1. Read the text and answer the questions.

1. Why is New York the entertainment capital of the world?

2. What do people to to Yankee Stadium for?

3. What do movies do with NewYork?

4. What can fans do at the world-famous Blue Note?

5. What do you have to do if you want to go to the Metropolitan Opero House?

6. Why is Carnegie Hall famous?

7. What does the writer suggest you do if you ever come to New York in summer?

8. Where and when can you go to restaurants in New York?

9. Why does the writer say New York is “the city that never sleeps”?

Task2. Write the expressions in the blanks.

大腕儿 _______________ 许多;大量 ______________ 例如 _______________ 爵士乐的顶级人物 ____________________________ 订票_________________ 因…而闻名 __________________ 各种类型的音乐 __________________ 不仅…还… __________________ 户外的 ________________________


昼夜营业 ___________________ 大量的;数量巨大的___________________

Module 9. English for you and me

Unit. I’m proud of what I’ve learnt

Task1. Listen to the tape and answer the questions with the words in the box.

simple, effort, handwriting, level, achieve 1. How much progress has Tony’s dad made this year?

He has _________ a lot, his ________ is better than it was last year. 2. What does he need to improve? His ________.

3. What do you have to do to be good at English? You have to make an ___________. 4. What does Tony’s dad think of Chinese? He thinks that Chinese is _________ than English. Task2. Listen and answer the questions. 1. What does Lingling think of her English?

2. How can you learn a foreign language well?

3. what does Lingling think of English?

4. What is an English corner?

5. Who usually goes to the English corner?

6. Who can you often meet at the English corner?

7. What does Lingling like most?

8. What does Betty wonders at last?


Task3. Complete the sentences in Activity 5. Task4. Write the expressions in the blanks.

取得进步 _________________ 取得许多成绩 ____________________ 为…骄傲 __________________ 对…来说足够好 ___________________ 需要一定的努力 ____________________ 无论多么____________________


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