



一、听力: 1—5 BBACC 6—10 AABCB 11—15 CAABB 16—20 ACCBA 二、单选: 21-25 DADDB 26-30 BCBBB 31-35 BDADC 三、完型: 36-40 DCBDA 41-45 BBDAA 46-50 DBCAB 51-55CCCBD 三、阅读: 56-58BDA


59-62ADCB 63-66CBDB 67-70BADA 四、任务型:

五、71.opposite / opposing 72.higher 73. contradiction 74. deny / refuse / reject 75.solution 76. interpretation / meaning / explanation







visits 80.negative/bad 六、书面表达: Possible version:

Demonstrating a phenomenon that the majority of citizens consider an ordinary job boring or even valueless, the passage highlights the importance of mundane and sundry jobs in society and asks for our respect for these jobs.

Cleaners, the most“well-known”“ordinary”workers, are confronted with numerous hardships while doing their share. When the city is still sleeping soundly before the dawn comes on, it is the cleaners who sweep the floors or streets in spite of the chilly wind or the heavy rain. When the scenic spots are contaminated with different kinds of garbage after the sun sets, it is the cleaners who deal with the pollution despite the stink. Were there no cleaners, an inevitable deterioration in environment

would occur. Undoubtedly, the streets would be full of disgusting rubbish with rats or flies here and there. What’s worse, with natural environment degrading, citizens would suffer from the spread of diseases, a horrible disaster that could be devastating.

From my perspective, ordinary jobs are anything but ordinary in contemporary society. For one thing, these jobs, with essential functions respectively, contribute to the achievement of various ecological, economic, and social goals that humanity has set for itself. For another, these jobs, which are worth our enthusiasm and respect, also provide a chance to realize our value or fulfill our dreams.

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