

洛 阳 理 工 学 院

毕 业 设 计(论 文)




摘 要



随着开关电源在计算机、通信、航空航天、仪器仪表及家用电器等方面的广泛应用, 人们对其需求量日益增长, 并且对电源的效率、体积、重量及可靠性等方面提出了更高的要求。


开关电源中的功率调整管工作在开关状态,具有功耗小、效率高、稳压范围宽、温升低、体积小等突出优点,在通信设备、数控装置、仪器仪表、视频音响、家用电器等电子电路中得到广泛应用。开关电源的高频变换电路形式很多, 常用的变换电路有推挽、全桥、半桥、单端正激和单端反激等形式。本论文是基于芯片UC3524的开关电源系统设计。




Switching Power Based on UC3524 Chip


With the switch power source extensive use in the field of computer, communicate by letter, aeronautics and astronautics, instrument appearance and domestic appliances etc., people increases by gradually to whose need amounts, have brought forward higher request to aspect such as power source efficiency, bulk factor and reliability.

The electric power electronic technology development, specially high efficiency component IGBT and the MOSFET rapid development, enhances the switching power supply operating frequency to the quite high level, enable it to have the high stability and high performance-price ratio and so on the characteristic. One of switching power supply technology main uses is serves for the information industries. The information technology development also set a higher request to the power source technology, thus promoted the switching power supply technology development.

Switching power supply in the power adjustment control work in the off state, with low power consumption, high efficiency, wide voltage range, low temperature rise, and other outstanding advantages of small size, the communication equipment, CNC equipment, Instrumentation, video audio, home appliances so widely used in electronic circuits. High frequency converter switching power supply so many forms of commonly used with push-pull converter, full bridge, half bridge, single-ended forward and the form of single-ended flyback.This paper is based on UC3524 chip switching power supply system design.

KEY WORDS: Switching power supply,Half bridge,The bridge,The push-pull, UC3524


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