


( )1.It’s ________ for us to keep good habits.

A. new B. exciting C. nice D. important

( )2. Mr. Black always goes to work ________ time. A. at B. on C. in D. with ( )3. Don’t be late ________ class. We must be on time. A. for B. to C. in D. of ( )4. My parents are strict ________ me ________ everything.

A. in; with B. with; in C. in; in D. with; with

( )5. ------Where _______ Linda and Tina come from? -------Australia.

A. do B. are C. does D. is

( )6. John and Bob are good ________. They are very ________ to me.

A. friends; friendly B. friendly; friendly C. friendly; friends D. friends; friendly ( )7.------ Who’s that speaking? -------________.

A. I’m Lin Tao B. That’s Lin Tao C. This is Lin Tao D. He’s Lin Tao ( )8. My brother _______ basketball every day. Look! He ___________ basketball now.

A. plays; plays B. plays; is playing C. is playing; playing D. is playing; plays ( )9. -------Please don’t run in the hallways. -------___________________.

A. OK, thank you B. Yes , please not C. Not at all D. Sorry, I won’t.

( )10. Don’t run _______ shout(大喊大叫) in the classroom. A. and B. so C. or D. but ( )11. I have to get home ________ five o’clock. A. on B. before C. with D. in ( )12. There are _______rules and ________ work in my factory. I can’t stand them.

A. too much; too many B. too many; too much C. too much; too much D. too many; too many ( )13. Mary likes _______ storybooks, but her brother likes _______ football games. A. reading; watching B. seeing; looking at C. reading; seeing D. watching; seeing ( )14. ________ tigers are scary, _______ Lily doesn’t like them.

A. Because; so B. So; because C. Because; / D. So; / ( )15. Trees are very important. We can’t _________.

A. cut them down B. cut in down C. cut down them D. cut down it ( )16. There are 120________ in our school.

A. man teacher B. man teachers C. men teacher D. men teachers ( )17. One of the children ________ at the map night.

A. look B. looks C. is looking D. are looking

( )18. Emma, come here. Here ______some new pens for you. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( )19. You can read _______ book in our library. A. some B. any C. other D. others ( )20. Tony is one of my good ________.A. friend B. friends C. friendly D, friendship 二.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. We must help the people who are in _________.(dangerous).

2. The little boy is very smart and he never gets ________(lose) in the street. 3. Our teacher often tells us the ___________(important) of learning English. 4. One of the boys in my class ________(be) from Africa. 5. We mustn’t buy bags ________(make) of plastic(塑料)。

6. What do you usually do on _____________(child) Day? 7. I wish _________(see) my pen pal very soon

8. The pandas in the zoo are from __________(Chinese). 9. I like to eat out because it is __________(relax)

10. I think it is difficult _________ (follow) all the rules. 11.We must practice __________(speak) more English.

12. Please remember ___________(bring) your homework to school. 13. Don’t be __________(noise) in the library.

14. My parents are watching TV in the _________(live) room. 15. Parents and schools make rules ___________(help) students. 16. The people here are very _________(friend) to us. 17. I want to learn ________(swim) this summer.

18. These animals are from _________(African), not Australia. 19. Why don’t you _________(play) basketball with us? 20. Why ________(not) she take a walk after dinner? 三.句型转换及英汉互译。

1. I can sing and dance, too.(否定句) I _______ sing _______dance ,________. 2.He has no sister. (同义句) He ________ ________ ________ sister. 3. She likes American movies because they’re interesting.(划线提问) _________ _________ she _________ American movies?

4. Where are they from? (同义句)Where _________ they ________ _________?

5. The shoes are a little big for me. (同义句) The shoes are ________ ________ big for me. 6 We are eating dinner.(划线提问) ________ ________ you ________?

7. I’m doing my homework.(一般疑问句) _________ ________ doing _________homework? 8. Jack and his parents are having dinner.(同义句)

Jack ________ ________ dinner ________ his parents.

9. You can’t talk in the reading room. (同义句) _________ ________ in the reading room. 10. What about seeing tigers first? (同义句) _________ _________ tigers first. 11. Don’t forget to read English every morning.(同义句) _________ ________ read English every morning. 12. Why not go to see the tigers in the zoo? (同义句)

Why ________ ________ _________ to see the tigers in the zoo?

13. John likes giraffes best. (同义句) Giraffes are John’s _________ _________.

14. ------Why do you like pandas? ----Because they’re _______________.(既聪明又可爱) 15. The cat is kind of boring because she _________________.(整天睡觉) 16. We can’t ___________(砍伐) the trees to ________________.(拯救动物) 17. 不准和同学打架。_________ _________ _________ your classmates.

18. 你们不必天天穿校服You ________ ________ ________ wear school uniforms every day. 19. 晚饭后他也不能放松。 After dinner, he _________ _________ _________.

20.大象是泰国的象征之一。 The elephant is _________ ________ Thailand’s _________.

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