

题 目: 姓 名: 学 院: 专 业: 班 级: 学 号:




南方学院 机械设计制造及其自动



摘 要






This paper outlines the current status of the loader design study

abroad , an important role in the development of dynamic and direction of development , and the loader in the national economy , to study the current situation of the domestic loader working device , the device is designed for the domestic loader work investigate the status quo, using MATLAB and AUTOCAD work means the motion simulation , structural stress analysis and optimization. Fierce market competition forcing manufacturers to seek survival and development must be made to changing market demand for rapid response to constantly adjust product design and R & D model , and can develop new products quickly . The traditional Chinese construction machinery industry was due to the long development cycle of new products , and simulation technology to achieve rapid product development, improve China's construction machinery product design and market competitiveness this paper, computer-aided design (CAD) and simulation technology into the field of design and development loaders , sport established mathematical model working device using AUTOCAD software in VB modeled loader working device and its motion simulation . Mainly includes the following aspects : (1) first introduces the research status and development trend of domestic loaders and loader working device , and modern design computer aided

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