
assertive decisive digestive imaginative consultative qualitative authoritative conserve quantitative unbutton unsettle unveil

Text A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 2

1.conserve 2.unbuttoning 3.authoritative 4.consultative 5.imaginative 6.quantitative 7.unveil 8.assertive 9.unsettled 10.decisive 11.digestive 12.qualitative

Text A > Language focus > Banked cloze

(1) exterior (2) insights (3) complete (4) course (5)

inconsistencies (6) offended (7) gestures (8) ornaments (9) sense (10) distinctive

Text A > Language focus > Expressions in use

1.got to the point 2.are attached to 3.would have starved to death 4.If anything 5.were suspicious of 6.wandered around 7.on the side 8.was representative of

Reading skills > Practice ADBDC

Text B: Reading comprehension: Understanding


Text B > Language focus > Words in use 1.refund 2friction 3.mute 4.detained 5.extract 6.compiles

7.convertibles 8.mediated 9.tactful 10.cohesion

Text B > Language focus > Expressions in use

1.lags behind 2.put in charge of 3.take a(n) ... approach to 4.singled out 5.headed for 6.incorporated into 7.divert … to 8. has had an impact on

Collocation: : Practice 1

Collocation: : Practice 2

Unit 6

Text A: Language focus: Words in use

1.stalked 2.stalked 3.symmetrical 4.lubricated 5.twinkled 6.mediator 7.outposts 8.traversing 9.emancipate 10.deductive

Text A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1

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