
2.爱好读书,喜欢音乐; 3.饮食健康,喜欢吃鱼; 4.空余时间经常帮助我们学英语,我们也帮助他学汉语,现在能说一点汉语了; 5.在中国的感受 (自拟1点).。 注意:1.词数60左右.。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数; 2.短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺.。 My friend Johnny is an exchange student in our class. (8) 假如你是Kate, 刚结识了一位来自美国的笔友Mary,为了让她对你有更多的了解,请你根据下面表格内的提示,写一封邮件给Mary.。省略号部分请注意适当发挥,词数不少于80词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数.。 基本信息 十三岁,长发,戴眼镜,在Sunshine Middle School学习.。 校园很美,有新的教学楼、大操场、现代化的图书馆,还有一个学校 学校礼堂用来开会.。 在校有许多朋友,他们都很喜欢我,课后我们经常一起……(至少写一点).。在学校总是很开心.。 业余 热爱阅读,可以了解很多关于这个世界;还喜欢打网球,可以使我强壮.。 Dear Mary, Thanks for your e-mail. I would like to tell you something about myself. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6 / 14 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (9) 假如你叫Lily,请根据所给提示,写一封电子邮件,向你的网友Simon介绍自己的情况.。 姓名 Lily 年龄:学校:扬州中班级:七年级国籍:中14 外貌 爱好 学 三班 国 高个、长发、…… 看书,借书读 ,因为…… 打排球,经常和家人观看排球比赛 学校情况 看上去漂亮;……(至少两点) 家远,每天骑自行车去上学 未来计划 想成为排球运动员, 希望梦想成真 7 / 14 要求:1、条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确; 2、内容作适当增补,但必须包括表格中所有要点; 3、80字左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数).。 Dear Simon, All the best, Lily (10) 假如你是Tommy,来泰兴某中学做交流生.。请根据下面提示给你家乡的朋友Linda写一封短信,向她介绍你现在的学校生活.。 1、学习情况:每天7:30开始上课,下午5:00放学;每天六节课,最喜欢的科目及原因; 2、课外活动:参加校足球队,周三下午练习足球;喜欢读书,经常去图书馆借书; 3、同学:友好;午饭后互相聊天;大家互帮互助,相互学习; 4、感受: … … (至少2点) 要求:1. 内容完整,可适当发挥; 2. 表达清楚,意思连贯、符合逻辑; 3. 80词左右.。开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数.。 Dear Linda, I’d like to tell you something about my new school life. Best wishes, Tommy 参考答案: (1) 8 / 14 Dear Simon, My name is Li Ming. I’m fourteen years old. I study in Class, 1 Grade 7 at Sunshine Middle School. I have short hair and wear glasses. I’m good at singing. Jay Chow is my favourite singer. He sings very well. He’s my hero. My school is big and beautiful. The classrooms are clean and bright. I go to school on foot every day. I study hard. My favourite subject is English. I often play volleyball in my free time. My teachers are all kind to me. I love my school life very much. Please write to me soon and tell me about your school life. All the best, Li Ming (2) Dear Jack, I’d like to tell you something about my school life. Our school looks beautiful. The playground is very big. There are many flowers and trees in our school. Our school is clean and tidy. There are three teaching buildings and there are sixty classrooms in them. My classroom is on the ground floor. We also have a big modern library. There are lots of books in it. We often go there in the afternoon. We also have a school hall. We have meeting there. Our school is really nice. We all love it. Yours, 9 / 14 Lilei (3) Dear Sun, I’d like to tell you something about my new school and my new school life. Our school is big and modern. My home is not far from it, so I go to school on foot every day. I am never late for school. We do morning exercises in the morning. Classes begin at 8 a.m. and finish at 4 in the afternoon. My favorite subject is English, and I am good at it. I think learning English well is very important. I am also a member of the school football team. My friends and I often practice after class. Sometimes I like to borrow books from the school library. My classmates are all nice to me. We help each other and learn from each other. I enjoy my school and I always have a good time at school. Yours Kitty (4) My best friend Kate is my best friend. She is tall and slim and wears a pair of glasses. She likes her school very much. She is in Class1, Grade 7. Her classroom in on the ground (first) floor. It is clean and bright. 10 / 14

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