

第二部分 笔试部分



26.—Hi, haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine! --________.

A. Great B. Thanks C. Oh, no D. Not at all 27.—How is the young man? --_________.

A. He’s twenty B. He’s much better C. He’s a doctor D. He’s Smith 28.—It’s very kind of you to help me. Thank you very much. --_________.

A. Thank you B. Don’t thank me C. Sorry to help you very little. D. You are welcome

29. My sister ________ the piano very well, but she hasn’t had time to play recently. A. will play B. have played C. played D. plays 30.—I still don’t know what _______ while I was away from home? --You’ll know it all some day, I believe.

A. had happened B. would happen C. has happened D. happened 31.—Do you still play basketball?

--Oh, no. I _______ it for the past two years.

A. haven’t played B. didn’t play C. won’t play D. hadn’t played 32.—What are you doing?

--I’m looking _______ the kids. They should be back for lunch now. A. after B. at C. for D. up 33.—I hear things are _________ at night markets. --Really? So I can spend less on what I want there.

A. expensive B. free C. valuable D. cheap 34.—How much is your new mobile phone? --Oh, it _______ me five hundred dollars.

A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid

35.—I thought you ______ like something to read, so I have brought you some books. --Thanks a lot.

A. may B. might C. could D. must 36. Driving again after his accident must have taken a lot of ________.

A. energy B. knowledge C. danger D. courage 37.—I find your room is too small. How can you turn around? --It is small. You see, my sofa _______ as a bed.

A, uses B. offers C. serves D. provides 38. Many tall modern buildings have been ________ in Wuhan these ten years. A. put up B. put on C. put away D. put off 39.—Did Tom and Bob go to the dancing party?

--They had been invite, but _______ of them showed up.

A. each B. either C. neither D. none 40.—Excuse me, can you tell me ________? --Of course.

A. where is there a good place to eat B. where there is a good place to eat C. where is a good place to eat. D. where a good place is to eat 三、完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

From North Wales comes the story of a young woman who returned to her car in the local multi-story car park and found an elderly lacy sitting in the back seat. As it was a 41 make of car, she first 42 the number plate. And she went around it to make sure it was indeed her car. She asked the lady what she was doing there. The old lady explained she had been shopping with her daughter and grandchildren but had felt 43 and wanted to return to the car for a rest. She said her daughter’s car was the same make, 44 and color as the young woman’s and she must have got into the wrong one – a 45 explanation. The old lady then began to breathe heavily and, holding her 46 , asked to be taken to the local hospital, which the driver 47 to do. But just as the young woman was about to start up the car, she noticed in the rearview mirror that the old lady’s shawl (披肩) had 48 a little, showing a muscular arm, thick with hair. “What should I do?” she asked herself. She was very 49 that she would soon be in trouble. At the moment the young woman had an idea. She asked the old lady to 50 her out of the parking space by standing to one side of the bay, and felt 51 when she agreed to do this. Once out of the parking place, the young woman 52 the doors and sped off the nearest police station to report the 53 . Police officers then 54 the car, finding a rope and an axe under the passenger seat. The young woman

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