最新-牛津译林版高一英语模块一unit2词汇练习题 精品


Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. No one can avoid___________________(惩罚)if they do something against the law. 2. Children are _______________ (禁止)from going swimming alone in the river. 3. The teacher gave a clear ______________(解释)on the use of the word.

4. I have brought these books, as I think they might _______________ (使感兴趣) you. 5. A machine used for _____________ (检测) organic food will arrive tomorrow.

6. The computer system has broken down, but I don’t think it is my ____________ (过错). 7. In all the supermarkets you can pay either in ____________(现金)or by credit. 8. You are not _______________(应该)to smoke in the office.

9. The football fans went ____________(疯狂)when their team scored the first goal. 10. We are quite surprised at that man’s strange _______________(行为). Ⅱ. 完成句子

1. 参加婚礼的人数比预期的多。

The number of people who came to attend the wedding was larger _____________________. 2. 我们跟在老师后面走进实验室。

We entered the lab, __________________________________________ . 3. 他们关着门,围坐在桌子四周。

They sat together around the table, _________________________ . 4. 乏味的讲座让我们每个人都感到厌烦。

The ___________ lecture made every one of us _____________ . 5. 你本不应该责怪她,毕竟她还是个孩子。

You shouldn’t have blamed her. ___________________she is just a child. 6. 他坚持要熬夜完成这项任务而不愿推迟到明天。

He ________________staying up late to finish the task rather than put it off till the next day. 7. 这男孩做了好事,值得表扬。

The boy did a good deed and __________________________________ . 8. 她不时地看手表,好像在等什么人。

She looked at her watch now and then _________________ (she was) waiting for someone Ⅲ. 单项填空

1.Tony stood up and accepted the prize, _____ and happy. [2018镇江模拟]

A. surprising B. surprised C. being surprising D. to be surprised

2._____opening ceremony of the 11th Ji’nan National Games really gave the Chinese _____ big surprise.

A. The; a B. The; the C. 不填; a D. 不填; the

3.The colors on the national flags can be _____ differently in different culture, but they have one thing in common, that is, _____ of the colors was carefully chosen. [2018连云港模拟] A. translated; every B. explained; either C. represented; all D. interpreted; each 4.He should be punished because he left his work _____ , which affected all of our work. A. doing B. done C. to be finished D. unfinished

5.Those young men were _____by the police of causing a disturbance in the neighborhood. A. charged B. blamed C. scolded D. accused

6.She insisted that Avatar ____an excellent film and that her parents____ her to see it. A. should be; took B. was; took C. should be; should take D. was; should take 7.His pale face suggested he _____ ill and I suggested he _____ to see a doctor at once. A. should be; should go B. was; go C. was; went D. be; went 8.The school regulations forbid_____, that is to say, we are not allowed _____ at school. A. to smoke; to smoke B. students’ smoking; smoking C. students’ to smoke; smoking D. students’ smoking; to smoke

9.The famous writer, as well as his wife and daughter, _____said to_____ our party, but so far they_____.

A. is; attend; haven’t turned up B. are; attend; don’t turn up

C. is; have attended; haven’t turned up D. are; have attended; don’t turn up

10.After several rounds of competition, the little girl_____ because of her excellent English and quick wisdom.

A. stood out B. picked out C. turned out D. came out 11.The result is very important. It is supposed _____ a secret between you and me. A. to be kept B. to keep C. being kept D. keeping 12.What do you think the book _____ ?

A. is dealt with B. is done with C. deals with D. does with

13.Bob thought he couldn’t go to the party because he had too much homework to finish, but he went ______.

A. at all B. above all C. after all D. in all 14.—I have ______ to apologize for the slight damage to your recorder.

—Never mind. [2018南通模拟] A. after all B. in the first place C. at first D. as usual

15._____ we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better? A. If only B. What if C. As if D. Even if

16.At that time few people would accept Einstein’s ideas, which _____ correct many years later.

A. were to prove B. were proved C. would prove D. were going to be proved

17.Whom do you want to have _____ the parts of a car together? A. fix B. to fix C. fixing D. fixed 18.—Have you found out anything, sir?

—We are sure that the thief entered the house through the window instead of breaking in. You _____ have closed the window before you left. A. shouldn’t B. couldn’t C. might D. mustn’t 19.—James didn’t turn up last night, did he? —No. He_____ . We had changed our plan.

A. shouldn’t have come B. needn’t have come C. didn’t need to come D. needn’t come 20.Christmas is coming and the children _____ to see what Santa Claus will bring to them. A. can’t help B can’t wait C. can’t hope D. can’t expect

21. He went to Beijing at the end of September,_____ there was a grand celebration for new China’s 60th birthday on National Day.

A. when B. which C. where D. that

22. The children were left _____ of a neighbour when they were on holiday. A. in charge B. in the charge C. under charge D. at charge

23. A healthy heart is very important for giving life to the full, at _____ age you are or whether you are a male or female.

A. whenever B. however C. whatever D. whichever 24.__________was said here must be kept a secret. A. Whatever B. Which C. That D. Anything 25. —No wonder you caught a cold. You_____ out last night without a coat. —I know how silly I was.

A. shouldn’t have gone B. mustn’t have gone C. couldn’t have gone D. mightn’t have gone

26. The man walked into the room _____ he were the boss. All the people there thought something was wrong with his mind.

A. even though B. as though C. even as D. now that

27. You can ask him again if you like, but it won’t make any _____ . He’ll still say no. A. sense B. decision C. contribution D. difference

28. In some places, visitors are _____from smoking and drinking, otherwise they’ll be punished. [2018盐城模拟]

A. encouraged B. required C. forbidden D. protected 29. _____ , she won’t talk to you after what you said to her. A. Surprising B. Surprised C. Not surprisingly D. Not surprising 30. —Good morning.Can I help you?

—I’d like to have this package_____, madam.

A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighed

31. The girl has a gift for singing and she is _____ to be one of the best singers if she keeps on practicing. [2018无锡模拟]

A. hoped B. imagined C. supposed D. designed

32. _____to our surprise, he went over all his notes in such a short time, _____for the next day’s examination.

A. Very; preparing B. Much; prepared

C. Greatly; to be prepared D. Rather; being prepared

33. He is a nice neighbor. He often helps us with garden work and is good at speech. _____ he is quite kind to people.

A. After all B. Above all C. First of all D. In all

34. They didn’t allow _____ loudly there and people were also forbidden _____there.

A. to speak; to smoke B. speaking; smoking C. to speak; smoking D. speaking; to smoke

35. Look at the black cloud in the sky. It looks _____ it is going to rain soon. A. even if B. even though C. as if D. as 36. He suggested the problem worth paying attention _____ at the meeting.

A. to be discussed B. to being discussed C. to discuss D. to discussing

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