
functional area expert states that, due to challenges on the project, it will take 18 days to complete, IF the project manager uses PERT estimation, what would be the activity’s duration? A. 12days B. 12.7days C. 15.7days D. 18days

135.项目经理被要求估算一项活动的持续时间,利用历史信息,项目经理了解到这个项目活动通常需要12天时间完成。项目经理的同事正在管理一个类似项目,并在10天内执行了这项活动。但是,职能领域的专家指出,由于项目中的存在的挑战,将需要18天时间完成。 如果项目经理使用PERT估算,那么这项目活动的持续时间将是多少天? A.12天 B.12.7天 C.15.7天 D.18天

136. After a project review, the project manager asks a technical lead to conduct a causal analysis of all the incidents and then prioritize the incidents. Which of the following tools and techniques should be used? A. PERT analysis B. Monte Carlo C. Pareto chart D. Scatter diagram

136.项目审查之后,项目经理要求技术主管对所有事故开展因果分析,然后将事故排列优先顺序。应该使用下列哪一项工具和技术? A.PERT分析 B.蒙特卡洛分析 c.帕累托图 D.散点图

137. Due to an interpersonal conflict between two team members, team morale and productivity are negatively affected, what conflict management technique should the project manager use to resolve the conflict immediately? A. Smooth/Accommodate B. TVwithdraw/Avoid C. Compromise/Reconcile D. Force/Direct

137.由于两名团队成员之间的人际冲突,团队士气和生产力受到不利影响。项目经理应使用什么冲突管理技术来立即解决冲突? A.缓解/包容 B.撤退/回避 C.妥协/调节 D.强迫/命令

138. Each time a project component is tested, the component passes user acceptance testing and fulfills all requirements, what process did the project manager implement and execute repeatedly?

A. Control Quality

B. Perform Quality Assurance C. Configuration Analysis D. Sponsor Reviews

138.每次测试项目部件,该部件都通过用户的验收测试并满足所有需求。项目经理反复实施和执行哪一个过程? A.控制质量 B.执行质量保证 C.配置分析 D.发起人审查

139. A project change is identified. However, due to a high risk to the overall project, the change request board projects the change. What should the project manager do next? A. Communicate this to the project management office. B. Schedule a corrective action.

C. Record rejected change request in the change log.. D. Update the project scope statement.

139.一个项目变更已确定。但是,由于整个项目的风险较高,变更请求委员会拒绝变更。项目经理接下来应该怎么做? A.与项目管理办公室沟通。 B.安排纠正措施。

C.在变更日志记录拒绝的变更请求。 D.更新项目范围说明书。

140. A project manager schedules weekly team meetings according to the communications management plan. Some team members report conflicts with the time and- miss some of the meetings. What should the project manager do next? A. Provide minutes for all meetings.

B. Reschedule a compatible time for all team members.

C. Apologize and explain difficulty in aligning at team members. D. Meet with each team member separately

140.项目经理按照沟通管理计划安排了团队周会。一些团队成员提出由于时间上有冲突,缺席某些会议。项目经理接下来应该怎么做? A.提供所有会议的会议记录。

B.重新安排一个对所有团队成员都适合的时间。 C.道歉并说明协调所有团队成员的难度。 D.与每名团队成员单独开会。

141. During project execution, the project manager learns that the project sponsor will send a

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