
C. Task 3 D. Task 4

10. 那一个任务在RACI图中的分配正确? 序 1 2 3 任务 单位测试 集成测试 系统测试 用户验收测4 试 A. 任务1 B. 任务2 C. 任务3 D. 任务4

团队成员#1 R I I R 团队成员#2 A A R A 团队成员#3 I C C C 团队成员#4 C A I I 团队成员#5 A R A A

11.At the end test part 4, the project manager reviews a control chart. What does the chart indicate?

A. Quality is in line with expectations

B. Quality expectations are not achievable

C. Quality has not improved since the beginning of the tests D. Quality is not in line with expectations

11. 在测试零件4结束时,项目经理查看了控制图。这个控制图会说明说明?

A. B. C. D.

质量符合预期 质量预期不可实现

自从测试开始起,质量未得到改善 质量与预期不符

12.During a project’s implementation, several providers participate in the project. The project manager meets with stakeholders, external consultants, and subject matter experts to define the project scope.

The project manager should include which items as part of the project scope statement?

A. Requirements traceability matrix, risk register, stakeholder register,

activity list

B. Constraints, schedule, assumptions and work breakdown structure C. Scope description, acceptance criteria, constraints and deliverable D. Technical reference, exceptions, deliverable and scope baseline

12. 在项目实施期间,多名供应商参与项目。项目经理与项目干系人、外部顾问和主题专家


项目经理应该将那些项内容包含作为项目范围说明书的组成部分? A. 需求跟踪矩阵、风险登记册、干系人登记册和活动清单 B. 制约因素、进度计划、假设和工作基准结构 C. 范围说明、验收标准、制约因素和可交付成果 D. 技术参考、例外情况、可交付成果和范围基准

13.A project team installs a new operating system. Before implementation, the team tests the system on a smaller, isolated network and discovers some issues. After

finding solutions to these issues, the team still encounters implementation issues. However, the number and severity of issues are greatly reduced Which of the following does the project team use? A. Transferring risk B. Mitigating risk C. Accepting risk D. Avoiding risk

13. 项目团队安装一个新的操作系统。实施之前,该团队在一个较小独立的网络中测试该系

统,并发现一些问题。发现这些问题的解决方案之后,团队仍然碰到实际问题。然后,问题数量和严重程度大大降低。项目团队使用的是下列哪一项? A. 转移风险 B. 减轻风险 C. 接受风险 D. 规避风险

14.A new project manager takes over a project in the execution phase. The project manager learns that the customer did not provide the correct product requirements The project manager should apply activities from which of the following plans? A. Scope management plan B. Change management plan

C. Configuration management plan D. Requirements management plan

14. 新项目经理接管了一个处于执行阶段的项目。项目经理了解到客户没有提供正确的产品

需求。项目经理应采用下面哪一项计划中的活动? A. 范围管理计划 B. 变更管理计划 C. 配置管理计划 D. 需求管理计划

15.A bicycle company releases a new line of baskets with a five-year warranty. The material withstands extreme weather conditions. The product is well received by customers and is considered top of the line the design is basic with no additional features

Which of the following describes this product? A. High grade, high quality B. Low grade, low quality C. High grade, low quality D. Low grade, high quality

15. 一家自行车公司发布了一款拥有五年质保期的新车蓝系列。材料能抵御极端天气条件。

产品广受用户接受,且视为是系列中的顶级产品。产品只有基本设计,无额外功能。 下列哪一项是该产品的描述? A. 高档、高质 B. 低档、低质 C. 高档、低质

D. 低档、高质

16.A project contains several stakeholders, 50 team members, a number of job sites, and stakeholders and project team member may review a lot of information and documents anytime during the project period, what communication method the project manager should use to solve the information requirement of project? A. Interactive communication B. Push communication C. Pull communication D. Send-receive

16. 一个项目包含多名干系人,50名团队成员,多个工作现场,以及干系人和团队成员可能

需要在项目过程中任何时间查看的大量信息文件。若要解决项目的信息需求,项目经理应使用哪一个沟通方式? A. 交互式沟通 B. 推式沟通 C. 拉式沟通 D. 发送-接收

17.A project manager wants to develop a resource breakdown structure(RBS) for a new project. A team member states that the team already developed an RBS for similar, existing project. What should the project manager do next?

A. Compare the existing project’s RBS to the organization’s standard template B. Use the existing project’s RBS to save time

C. Create a new RBS using the organization’s standard template D. Use the applicable categories of the existing project’s RBS

17. 项目经理希望为一个新项目制定资源分解结构(RBS)。一名团队成员称该团队已经为

一个类似现有项目制定了RBS. 项目经理下一步该怎么做?

A. 将现有项目的RBS与组织的标准模板进行对比 B. 使用现有项目的RBS节约时间

C. 使用组织的标准模板创建一份新的RBS D. 使用现有项目RBS的适用类别

18.A project manager discovers that a key team member will leave the organization in two weeks. The team member works on tasks that are on the critical path What should the project manager do first? A. Evaluate the impact of losing this member B. Verify if can change the scope C. Update work breakdown structure D. Change the project team member

18. 项目经理发现一名关键团队成员将在两周内离开组织。该名团队成员正在为处于关键路


项目经理首先应该做什么 A. 确定该名团队成员的影响

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