
30.In a weekly project review meeting, the project manager discusses various type project risks

Which of the following risk quantification techniques should be used? A. Probability distributions B. Expert judgment

C. Data quality assessment D. Risk urgency assessment

30. 在每周项目审查会议上,项目经理讨论了不同类型的项目风险。应使用下列那一项风险

量化工具? A. 概率分布 B. 专家判断 C. 数据质量评估 D. 风险紧迫性评估

31.To guarantee their next project delivery, two project teams require the same critical resource within the same timeframe. What should the project manager do first?

A. Inform the customer that the delivery will be delayed

B. Advise the resource to work overtime to complete both activities

C. Review the human resource management plan and contact a preferred consulting


D. Arrange a joint problem-solving session with the two team leaders to identify

possible actions

31. 为保证下一次项目交付,两个项目团队在相同的时间范围内需要相同的关键资源。项目

经理首先应该做什么? A. 通知客户将延迟交付

B. 通知资源加班工作完成两项活动

C. 审查人力资源管理计划并联系一家首选顾问公司

D. 与两名团队领导安排一次联合问题解决会议,确定可能的行动

32.A project manager determines which risks have the greatest impact on the project and plans to use a sensitivity analysis model. The project manager is in which of the following processes? A. Identify risks

B. Perform quantitative risk analysis C. Control risks

D. Perform qualitative risk analysis

32. 项目经理确定了哪些风险对项目产生的影响最大,并计划使用敏感性分析模型。项目经

理目前处于下列哪一个过程? A. 识别风险 B. 实施定量风险 C. 风险控制

D. 实施定性风险分析

33.During a project’s closing phase, a project manager presents the last project deliverable and run the acceptance criteria. However, before accepting the project, the customer wants to add extra functionality What should the project manager do next? A. Agree to include the requirement

B. Update the project management plan according to the new request

C. Review the impact of the change and start the change management process D. Reject any changes since the project is in the closing phase

33. 在项目收尾阶段,项目经理提交了最后一个项目可交付成果,并运行验收标准。但是,

在验收项目之前,客户希望增加额外功能。 A. 同意包含该需求

B. 按照新的请求更新项目管理计划 C. 审查变更影响,并开始变更管理过程 D. 因为项目处于收尾阶段,拒绝任何变更

34.During the project’s execution phase, a key executive reports that a portion of the project will be given to a new external vendor for development. The new vendor provides their additional requirements which cause a potential delay in the delivery schedule

What should the project manager do next?

A. Notify stakeholders of the scope change according to the communications

management plan

B. Update the risk management plan

C. Adjust the project management plan, schedule, and priorities to control the


D. Conduct a risk reassessment

34. 在项目执行阶段,一名关键主管报告将把项目的一部分外包给一名新的外部供应商开发。

这名新供应商提供了他们的额外需求,导致交付进度可能发生延迟。 项目经理下一步该怎么做?

A. 按照沟通管理计划通知干系人范围变更 B. 更新风险管理计划

C. 调整项目管理计划、进度和优先级控制的影响 D. 执行风险再评估

35.While working with a customer to validate a deliverable, the customer notifies the project manager that several required data fields are missing. The customer indicates that the data fields are included in the requirements During which of the following processes should the project team have discovered this error?

A. Identify benchmark B. Report performance C. Control scope D. Control quality

35. 当与客户合作核实可交付成果时,客户通知项目经理多项必须的数据字段趋势。客户表


项目团队应该在以下哪一个过程中发现这个错误? A. 识别标杆 B. 报告绩效 C. 控制范围 D. 控制质量

36.A risk identified in the risk register is realized by the design team. As a result, the project expenses will increase by 15% What should the project manager do next?

A. Execute the response plan for the identified risk in risk management plan B. Get together all design member and discuss the other solution

C. Inform the key stakeholders that one risk impacts the project budget

D. Reduce other tasks’ cost, balance the cost to make sure project cost is within

the budget

36. 设计团队意识到了在风险登记册中已识别的一个风险。结果,项目支出将增加15%。


A. 执行风险管理计划中识别的风险应对措施 B. 集合设计团队讨论其他方案

C. 通知关键干系人一个项目风险影响到项目预算 D. 减少其他任务的支出15%,平衡并保持在预算之内

37.During the customer’s final acceptance of deliverables, the project manager encounters opposition from a local group. The project manager’s company conducts a root cause analysis and discovers that the project did not adequately consider environmental factors for the project

During which process should this have been completed? A. Initiating

B. Monitoring and controlling C. Planning D. Executing

37. 在客户最终验收可交付成果期间,项目经理遭遇到其他地方团队的反对意见。项目经理

所在公司开展了一次根本原因分析,发现项目并未充分考虑项目的环境因素。 这本应该在下列那一个过程中完成? A. 启动 B. 监控 C. 规划 D. 执行

38.A project manager works with the sales manager on a request for proposal(RFP). The customer is interested in a new product feature which is still under development. The sales manager asks the project manager to include in the response that the feature is available

What should the project manager do?

A. Respond according to the sales manager’s suggestion B. Escalate the issue to the project sponsor

C. Advise the customer that the product feature is not available D. Refuse to respond to the RFP

38. 项目经理与销售经理一起合作答复建议邀请书(FRP)。客户对一个仍处于开发阶段的

新产品功能非常感兴趣。销售经理要求项目经理在答复中包含可提供该功能的内容 项目经理应该怎么做?

A. 按照销售经理的建议答复 B. 将该问题上报给项目发起人 C. 同时客户无法提供该产品功能 D. 拒绝答复该RFP

39.While preparing for monthly stakeholder meeting, the project management identifies a resource availability issue that could impact the project schedule will not be impacted

Which should the project manager do next?

A. Work to resolve the issue so that it does not impact the schedule B. Acquire additional resources to resolve the issue

C. Discuss the issue with the stakeholders during the monthly meeting D. Meet with the project team to brainstorm how to resolve the issue

39. 在准备每月干系人会议时,项目经理识别到一个可能影响项目进度的资源可用性问题。

项目经理认为如果问题能在几周内解决,则不会影响到进度。 项目经理下一步该怎么做?

A. 设法解决问题,以便不影响进度 B. 招募额外资源解决这个问题

C. 在月度会议上与干系人讨论这个问题

D. 与项目团队开会,头脑风暴讨论如何解决这个问题

40.A project manager works on a telecommunications project which is a high priority for the organization. After defining the scope, which of the following processes should the project team work on next? A. Create WBS

B. Determine budget

C. Develop human resource management plan D. Define activities

40. 项目经理正在管理一个在组织中处于优先级的电信项目。定义范围之后,项目团队下一

步应从下列那一个过程? A. 创建WBS B. 确定预算

C. 制定人力资源管理计划 D. 定义活动

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