18春兰大大学英语4课程作业 - C



C: by D: in μ¥??ìa

I have no one ______ me , for I can deal with it all by myself . A: help B: to help C: helped

D: to have helped μ¥??ìa

There _______ a lot of _______ on the roads yesterday. A: was , traffic B: were ,traffics C: was ,traffics D: were ,traffic μ¥??ìa

Husband and wife with a common duty to the country will find themselves __________closer together. A: drawn B: drawing C: to draw D: been drawn μ¥??ìa

This novel is ____ reading. A: worthy

B: Worthwhile C: worth

D: worth one?ˉs while μ¥??ìa

A computer can only do ___ you have instructed it to do. A: how B: after C: what D: when μ¥??ìa

We finally __________ an agreement after a lot of hard bargaining. A: reached B: did

C: arrived D: drove μ¥??ìa

The fire was finally brought under control, but not ________ extensive damage had been cause; A: before B: after C: since D: as μ¥??ìa

When Harry arrived home after a hard day at work, ______________. A: his wife slept

B: his wife has slept C: his wife was sleeping

D: his wife has been sleeping μ¥??ìa

Our neighbour said that if we made more noise he would _________us to the police. A: inform of

B: complain about C: report to D: care for μ¥??ìa

That young man has made so much noise that he ___ not have been allowed attend the concert.



A: could B: must C: would D: should μ¥??ìa

It seems very difficult _______. A: to stop the child to cry

B: restraining the child to cry C: to keep the child from crying D: holding the child's crying μ¥??ìa

He wore dark glasses to avoid ____________. A: having been recognized B: to be recognized C: recognized

D: being recognized ?D??

I hope that the decision to give me the Nobel Peace Prize will encourage all those who pursue the cause of peace on renew their efforts in their own fields. ?D??

Why does she shy away from the idea of taking a leading part? ?D??

Three police officers beat back the intense heat and smoke from the fire and saved the children.

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