


Liz Murray is an American girl. She was born in the 1980s in New York. She had a l _time as a little girl. When she was three years old, she found that her parents were taking drugs (吸毒). Her family was 2 . Sometimes she had to 3 on the streets with her sister. In 1996, her mother died. She was really sad. She decided to change her life-she went to a high school, 4 she was still homeless. She worked very hard and did well in all subjects. Finally, she finished the four-year high school studies in two years. 5 she finished her high school, she was given a chance to visit Harvard University. She was very 6 when she saw the university. Later, she decided to work hard to go to Harvard University. Then she applied for a scholarship (申请奖学金) and finally made her 7 come true.

While she was studying at Harvard University, she gave a lot of public speeches about her own 8 . She wanted to 9 people like her to achieve their dreams. Her story was made into a film and she also 10 a book named Breaking Nights about it. 1. A. happy 2. A. big 3. A. study

B. relaxing C. fun B. rich C. poor

D. hard

D. busy

D. play D. because D. As

B. live C. work

B. but C. so

4. A. though 5. A. Before 6. A. puzzled 7. A. plan 8. A. story 9. A. ask 10. A. read


B. After C. When

B. excited C. disappointed D. nervous B. idea C. words

D. dream D. jobs D. encourage D. found

B. family C. parents B. tell C. make B. bought C. wrote

Fans often only see the good fame(名声) of famous people. They see the happy smiles and great success of famous people. But usually they cannot see the hard work or the hours of practice behind the great success.

Li Yundi, a great Chinese piano talent(天才), talked with teens about his art and his job. \play hundreds of concerts. meet fans, and listen to critics(评论家).\

In 2000, when Li Yundi was 18, he won the top prize at the Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland. Li was the youngest and the first Chinese to win the prize. Born in

Chongqing, Li began to play the piano when he was seven. His parents spent all their money and bought a piano for him in the 1980s in China. He worked hard. Every day, he played for eight hours or more at a piano school. He often played even after school. Li still can't play a beautiful tune(曲子) without careful preparation. \舞台),\ \are waiting for you. Nobody knows whether you have slept enough, whether you have some problems in your life. But you need to play great music for your audience. That's what they want to hear.\

1. People often see_______ of the famous people. A. happy smiles C. hard work

B. big success D. both A and B

2. Li Yundi began to learn to play the piano in_______. A. 1980

B. 1982

C. 1989

D. 1993

3. How did Li practice playing the piano when he was a child? A. He played the piano at a piano school every day. B. He went to Poland to learn to play the piano. C. He learned to play the piano by himself. D. His parents taught him to play the piano. 4. The underlined word \指) _______. A. the children C. the audience

B. Li himself D. the parents

5. Why could he win the first prize in Poland?

A. Because he was a piano talent and he played very well. B. Because he was the youngest pianist. C. Because he often played after school. D. Because he was from China.


Frank is my neighbour. He is a manager of a company. He works hard every day,but people around him think he is too careful with money.

Most people in his company drive to work. But Frank has a bike. He usually goes to work by bike. He says riding a bike can make him healthy.

Usually Frank takes a bottle of water with him. When others drink juice or coffee,he enjoys his water. He thinks water is the cheapest but the best drink.

Frank likes reading. But he spends little money on books. When he has free time,he goes to

the bookshops or libraries to do some reading. If he really wants to buy a book,he will buy it online.

Some people think Frank is mean(吝啬的).Do you think so? 1. What is Frank?

2. Where does Frank do some reading when he is free?

3. Do you think Frank is mean? Why or why not?


根据提示以My Best Friend为题写一篇50字左右的短文;短文须包括所有内容要点,要求语句通顺、意思连贯。 要点如下:

1.杰克(Jack)来自英国,但现在和父母住在苏州; 2.他今年14岁,在七(3)班学习; 3.他长着一头乌黑的短发,但不戴眼镜; 4.他学习刻苦,各门功课都很好;


My Best Friend

Jack is my best friend.____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

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