
答案:D 解



2Whatdoestheunderlinedword“that”inparagraph3referto? A.Jazzbecomingmoreaccessible. B.Theproductionofjazzgrowingfaster. C.Jazzbeinglesspopularwiththeyoung. D.Thejazzaudiencebecominglarger. 答案:C 解



3WhatcanweinferaboutMoran’sopiniononjazz? A.Itwilldisappeargradually. B.Itremainsblackandwhite. C.Itshouldkeepupwiththetimes. D.Itchangesevery50years. 答案:C


4Whichofthefollowingcanbethebesttitleforthetext? A.ExploringtheFutureofJazz B.TheRiseandFallofJazz

C.TheStoryofaJazzMusician D.CelebratingtheJazzDay 答案:A

解析:标题归纳题。本文以第一届国际爵士乐日的设立引入话题,探讨了爵士乐的现状以及未来。希望更多人尤其是年轻人关注爵士乐。 ★五、语篇填空

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 (导学号55580000)

Crying marriage?1. (surprise),isn’t it?Factually,the custom of crying marriage existed a long time ago in many areas of Sichuan Province in China,and 2.

(remain) in fashion 3. the end of the Qing

Dynasty.Though not so popular as before,the custom is still observed by people in many places,especially Tujia people,who view it as a 4. (necessary) to marriage procedure.

It is very much the same in different 5. (place) of the province.According to elderly people,every bride had to cry at the wedding.6. ,the bride’s neighbours would look down upon her as a poorly 7.

(cultivate) girl and she would become the laughing stock of

which the bride was beaten by

the village.In fact,there were cases 8.

her mother for not crying at the wedding ceremony.

In a word,crying at wedding is a way by custom to set off the 9. (happy) of the wedding through falsely sorrowful words.However,in the 10. (arrange) marriages of the old days of China,there were indeed quite a lot of brides who cried over their unsatisfactory marriage and even their miserable life. 答案:1.Surprising 2.remained 3.until/till 4.necessity 5.places 6.Otherwise 7.cultivated 8.in 9.happiness 10.arranged




1If I am you,I would work in a small mountain village.


2The guard at the gate insisted that everybody obeys the rules.

答案:obeys→obey/should obey

3I wish that she will get a good job in Shanghai after her graduation.


4I would rather you focus your attention on the subject.


5The young man suggested that his wife walks one kilometre every morning to lose weight.

答案:walks→walk/should walk 二、汉译英


答案:The ancient Egyptians had advanced civilization.


答案:He is an aggressive leader,so we all like him.


答案:Pop songs appeal to the contemporary youths.


答案:If I were at your age,I would work hard at painting.


答案:If you were to come to school earlier tomorrow,you would have enough time to read English. ★三、完形填空

For many people,the Renaissance means 14th to 16th century Italy,and the developments in art and architecture,music and literature which 1 there at that time.But there is one work which,perhaps more than any other,expresses the spirit of the Renaissance:the MonaLisa. 2 is believed to be the best example of a new lifelike style of painting that 3 people when it was first used. 4 by Leonardo da Vinci in the years 1503—1506,the MonaLisa is a mysterious masterpiece.People want to know who Mona Lisa is,and why she is smiling. 5 people do not know much about the Renaissance,they have 6 this painting.

But the Renaissance is,of course, 7 just the MonaLisa.Renaissance 8 a French word which means “rebirth” and it first appeared in English in the 19th century.The word was used to describe a period in European history 9 began with the arrival of the first Europeans in America,an age of exploration,and the beginning of the modern world.It was as if Europe was waking up after the long sleep of

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