

新译林版5A Unit 1测试卷



1、森林( ) 2、狗熊( ) 3、害怕的( ) 4、开心( ) 5、救命( )

6、学科( ) 7、秋天( ) 8、漂亮的( ) 9、毛衣( )汤( )


1( ) A At six. B. Six. 2( )A I’m thirsty. B I’thirty.

3( ) A It’s Monday. B It’s fine. 4( ) A Yes,I can. B Yes, you can.

5( ) A It’s my father’s. B It’s my father. 三、听句子,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×” ( )1、金发女孩是害怕的 ( )2、有一些汤在桌上( )3、他们又饿又渴

( )4、这床太软了

( )5、几点钟了?十点了 四、中英互译

1.在森林里( )2. 三只熊( )3.太硬( 4.在椅子之间( ) 5.四个季节( )6.一张软床( 7.一些热汤( ) 8.正好( ) 9.在她前面( 10.在房子旁边( ) 11.hungry and thirsty ( ) 12. take care( ) 13. take this pill( )

、m ) ) ) 10

14.drink some water ( ) 15.I think so( ) 五、选择填空

( )1.Sam is happy see you again . A. with B. for C. to ( )2. They have four lessons Tuesday. A. in B. on C. at ( )3. there are some birds the tree. A. in B. on C. at ( )4.There a pen and twelve books . A. is ( )5. I am home now . A. to ( )6. There’s no milk ( )the fridge . A. in ( )7.字母a读音不同的是: A. cake B. apple ( )8.There a lot of bananas . A. is ( )9.We can see many students in the .A. library ( )10. you like running? A. do 六、填入正确的问句序号

A. Here’s a pen for you . ( B.How many lessons are there? ( C.Are there any cats? ( D. How are you ? ( E. Do you like fishing? ( F.Are you a student? ( 七、连词成句

1、soup , this , hot , is, too,(.)

2、some , I , can , boats , see , on , river , the, (.) 3、go , ten , I , to , before , bed , (.) 4、our , this , timetable , is , new , (.)

B. am C. are B. for C. at B. on C. at C. grape D. make B. am C. are B. hospital C. school B. DO C. Do )1. There are three. )2. Thank you. )3. I’m fine . )4. Yes, there are. )5. No, I’m not. )6. Yes ,I do.

5、make , we, in , snowmen, winter , (.) 七、根据实际情况回答问题 1. What colour is your shirt? 2.Do you like playing basketball ? 3.Is your father a cook?

4.Do you go to bed at ten o’clock? 5. How old are you ?


一、forest pear afraid happy help/// lesson autumn nice story soup 二、1. When do you get up every day? 2. What’s the matter?

3. What day is it today? 4. Can you draw a tiger ? 5. Whose is this coat?

三、1. Goldilocks is afraid. 2. There is not any soup on the table.

3. They are hungry and tired. 4. This bed is too soft. 5.What time is it now? Two KEY

一、√ × √ √ √ × √ √ × √ 二、A A A A A 三、√ × √ √ ×

五、C B A A C A B C C C 六、B A D C F E

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