
A few helped each other and went out of town to get as far away from the volcano as possible, with large and full ___27___ in their hands. Suddenly, I felt a strong ___28___. The villagers in the square ___29___ as soon as they felt the earthquake.

Suddenly, I saw black smoke ___30___ down the side of the mountain towards the village. Trees and grass ___31___ up in a second. The volcano was coming so ___32___ that in less than a minute the roads to the villages were ___33___ . All I could do was watch and ___34___. Suddenly, my landlord (房东) cried out, “Look!” He ___35___ to a small hill. The lava (岩浆) was not coming over it but ___36___ on each side of the ___37___, leaving the village center ___38___ . For a time, at least, we were ___39___ , unless the lava grew much and bigger.

My landlord gave me a wet blanket to cover myself to avoid the ___40___ and we poured water over our heads to cool ourselves. We could hardly breathe (呼吸) because of the heat and the ___41___ of the burning houses. Thanks to my landlord, I survived the volcano. 22. A. friend 23. A. planned 24. A. so 25. A. happiness 26. A. comfortable 27. A. flowers 28. A. flood 29. A. ran away 30. A. rolling 31. A. grew 32. A. gradually 33. A. put off 34. A. wait 35. A. returned 36. A. recovering 37. A. elevator

B. Job B. disagreed B. if B. fear B. weak B. umbrellas B. earthquake B. laughed B. disappearing B. gave B. frequently B. cut off B. read B. added B. resting B. farm

C. voyage C. hated C. or

C. determination C. active C. books C. cold C. stopped C. lying C. burned C. fast C. built up C. sleep C. got C. seeking C. village

D. shopping D. refused D. but D. power D. calm D. packs D. fire D. sat down D. settling D. came D. late D. fixed up D. relax D. pointed D. flowing D. street

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38. A. unimportant undamaged 39. A. dangerous 40. A. lightning 41. A. smoke

B. unusual C. uncrowded D.

B. warm B. heat B. color

C. safe C. partner C. size

D. kind D. enemy D. noise

【答案】22. B 23. A 24. D 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. B 29. A 30. A 31. C 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. D 36. D 37. C 38. D 39. C 40. B 41. A 【解析】

本文是一篇记叙文,继续了我作为一名记者在拉丁美洲经历了一场火山爆发,最后幸存下来的故事。 【22题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的第一个工作在拉丁美洲。A. friend朋友;B. job工作;C. voyage 航行;D. shopping购物。根据后文,这是他的第一份工作也几乎是最后一份工作。故选B项。 【23题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:我本不打算待在村庄中。A. planned打算;B. disagreed不同意;C. hated讨厌; D. refused拒绝。根据本段最后一句“So I had to stay there.”得知我本不计划待在村庄中,最后不得不待在那里。故选A项。 【24题详解】

考查连词辨析。句意:但是大雨下了一整天。A. so所以;B. if如果;C. or否则;D. but但是。前文为我没打算停留,后文是因为下雨我不得不停留,前后具有明显的转折含义,故选D项。 【25题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:我发现那的人们充满恐惧。A. happiness开心;B. fear害怕;C. determination决心;D. power力量。根据后文“A few helped each other and went out of town to get as far away from the volcano as possible”得知一些人尽可能选择离开火山山脚,推断人们充满了恐惧,十分害怕。故选B项。 【26题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。句意:火山开始变得越来越活跃。A. comfortable舒服;B. weak虚弱;C. active活跃;D. calm冷静。根据后文“Men, women and children came to the square.”

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得知男人、女人和小孩都来到了广场,推断火山越来越活跃,故选C项。 【27题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:人们互相帮助尽可能地离开村庄,带着又大又满地包裹。A. flowers鲜花;B. umbrellas伞;C. books书本;D. packs包裹。根据语境推断,人们离开时,会带上包裹,故选D项。 【28题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:突然,我感觉到一阵剧烈的地震。A. flood洪水;B. earthquake地震;C. cold寒冷;D. fire火。根据后文“they felt the earthquake.”可知,此处也是感觉到了地震。故选B项。 【29题详解】

考查动词词组词义辨析。句意:地震时,广场上的村民尽可能地逃跑。A. ran away逃跑;B. laughed笑;C. stopped停止;D. sat down坐下。结合情境可知,发生地震时,村民会选择逃跑,故选A项。 【30题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,我看到黑烟从山对面的村庄升起。A. rolling 升起;B. disappearing消失;C. lying躺着;D. settling安置。结合句意可知,黑烟升起,rolling意为“升起”。故选A项。 【31题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:树和草在一秒之内被烧光。A. grew生长;B. gave给予;C. burned燃烧;D. came来到。结合语境可知,火山山脚发生地震,所以树和草被烧光,故选C项。 【32题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。句意:火山爆发来的太快以至于不到一秒钟到村庄的路就被切断了。A. gradually慢慢地;B. frequently频繁地;C. fast快速地;D. late晚地。结合语境可知,路被切断,就在一秒钟之内,十分迅速。故选C项。 【33题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:火山爆发来的太快以至于不到一秒钟到村庄的路就被切断了。A. put off 推迟;B. cut off间断; C. built up建立;D. fixed up解决。结合语境可知,火山爆发后路被切断,故选B项。 【34题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:火山爆发后路被切断,人们只能看和等。A. wait等待;B. read

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阅读;C. sleep睡觉;D. relax放松。结合语境可知,路被切断了,人们只能等待。故选A项。


考查动词词义辨析。句意: 他指向小山上。A. returned回来;B. added增加;C. got得到;D. pointed指着。结合语境可知,前文提到房东大喊,应该是指着让我们看。故选D项。 【36题详解】

考查动词词义辨析。句意:岩浆并没有向这里流过来,而是向村子两侧流去,村子的中心没有被损坏。A. recovering恢复;B. resting休息;C. seeking寻找;D. flowing流动。结合前文可知,岩浆并没有朝着流过来,而是流到另一边去了。故选D项。 【37题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:岩浆并没有向这里流过来,而是向村子两侧流去,村子的中心没有被损坏。A. elevator电梯; B. farm农场;C. village村庄;D. street街道。结合后文可知,岩浆没有流向村子的中心。故选C项。 【38题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。句意:岩浆并没有向这里流过来,而是向村子两侧流去,村子的中心没有被损坏。A. unimportant不重要;B. unusual不正常;C. uncrowded不拥挤;D. undamaged未受到伤害。结合前文,岩浆没有流过村子中心,因此村子没有被损坏,故选D项。 【39题详解】

考查形容词词义辨析。句意:至少有一段时间,我们是安全的,除非熔岩越来越大。A. dangerous危险的;B. warm温暖的;C. safe安全的;D. kind善良的。分析句意,结合语境可知,除非熔岩越来越大,否则我们都是安全的,并且结合后文可知,我最后获救了是安全的。故选C项。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:我的房东给了我一条湿毯子来盖住自己,以避免烫伤,我们把水倒在头上使自己凉快。A. lightning闪电;B. heat热量;C. partner同伴;D. enemy敌人。结合前文可知,岩浆很热,需要用湿毯子盖住自己,避免烫伤。故选B项。 【41题详解】

考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们很难呼吸,因为燃烧房子的烟和热量。A. smoke烟;B. color颜色;C. size大小;D. noise噪声。结合语境,使我很难呼吸是因为燃烧时的热量和烟。故选A项。

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Coffee is an ___42___(importance) part of Italian culture. I have drunk a lot of it since I arrived here six months ago. The coffee culture in Italy is ___43___(complete) different from that in the UK. In Italy, when you order ___44___ cup of coffee in a cafe, you are presented with a tiny, bitter espresso (浓咖啡).

Takeaway coffee is very popular among the British, but it is not common in Italy, espe- cially in those ___45___ (area) where there are few tourists. Generally, people in Italy prefer to drink their tiny coffee while they are standing at the bar. For many of ___46___ (they), this short break is a part of their day.

Breakfast in a bar in Italy ___47___ (include) a coffee and a pastry (糕点).Cappuccinos (卡 布奇诺咖啡)are very popular at breakfast. A cup of cappuccino is the perfect way of ___48___(start) the day for me. I think it’s nice for people ___49___ (go) to a bar to have a coffee for breakfast before work.

Finally, a thing ___50___ has been found by me is that coffee in Italy is much cheaper. That means in Italy it is possible to go out for coffee every day ___51___ spending much money. 【答案】42. important 43. completely 44. a 45. areas 46. them 47. includes 48. starting

49. to go 50. which/that 51. without 【解析】

本文为一篇说明文。介绍了意大利的咖啡文化。 【42题详解】

考查形容词。句意:咖啡是意大利文化重要的一部分。修饰名词part需用importance的形容词形式,故用important. 【43题详解】

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