Whether to major in science or humanities at college

Whether to major in science or humanities at college Nowadays many people are wondering about one question”whether to major in science or humanities at college”,this major may decide what kind of job they will do in their future career,and there is a universal phenomenon that many studens with good grades will choose science,cause humanities are regarded as majors that people with bad grades learn.

In fact,both science and humanities are of the same importance,we should assess them equally.science is significant,humanities are also irreplaceable.the former is learned to search the laws and rules in the world,which help humanbeings to live longer and happier,at the same time,the later aim at the thoughts of people and the development of the society.

otherwise ,it is the fact that graduates with science degrees are more easily to find a proper job,in view of this,many people will choose science at college. In my opinion,I cannot say which is more important,I can only say science is more practical to us.what’smore,your major must be based on your interest,an old saying goesthat’interest is the best teacher’,I believe we can

achieve anything with passionate enthuisam and unlittering diligence.

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