

班级 姓名 题次 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 总分 得分

同学们,经过一个学期的努力和紧张的复习后,相信你一定有不少的收 获,快来展示一下不吧!要认真书写,细心地读题和答卷哦!试卷满分100分,限时90分钟。赶快行动吧,祝你取得好成绩!

一、从下列每组选项中选出划线部分发音与其他两个不同的选项。(10分) ( ) 1.A.glasses B.class C.stamp ( ) 2. A.corner B doctor C。horse ( ) 3.A.right B.white C.eight ( ) 4.A.she B.left C.send ( ) 5.A.bottom B.hot C. go 二、按要求完成下列单词(12分)

1、picture(同义词)_______2、do (过去式)______3、see(过去式)________ 4、slowly(反义词)_________5、quiet(副词)________6、child(复数)_____


10、teacher(动词)___________11、know(同音词) 12、fall(现在分词)


( ) 1.I am out of the window.

A.pointing B.drawing C.looking

( ) 2.I see some playing.

A.children B.man C.woman

( ) 3.You can’t walk the hotel with that!

A.to B.and C.at

( ) 4.This is Danny me on the train.

A.or B.and C.from ( ) 5. do you put the address? A.When B.Where C.How ( ) 6.I to the park yesterday. A.looked B.walked C.jumped ( ) 7.I at a map yesterday. A.looked B.talked C.liked ( ) 8.I to buy a gift for my mother. A.played B.went C.wanted ( ) 9. you go to Tian’an men Square? A.How often B.How did C.How long

( )10.This is a picture of Jenny Li Ming in the park. A.at B.or C.and ( )11、The car is ____ than the bike .

A、fast B、faster C、very faster D、too fast ( )12、I like ____ to wangfujing to buy gifts .

A、go B、goes C、going D、went ( )13.May I____with you?

A.plays B.playing C. play D. to play

( )14.Everyone ____tired.

A. Feels B. feel C. is feel D. feeling

( )15.I want ___buy some oranges.

A. to B. for C. / D. at


1、Li Ming , here is _____(a) apple for you.

2、I want___ (have ) some fruit.

3、LiMing and Danny____ (be) very hungry.

4、I_____ ( not) know where to go .

5、Danny would like some______. (soup)

6、Let’s ____(drive) to the train station. 7、Danny walks____ (slow) to school. 8、These are_____ (woman). They are singing. 9、“Who is hungry? _____ (ask) LiMing. 10、Jenny and LiMing___ (be) slow. 五、改错(10分)

( )1.Did you had breakfast in the morning? _______


( )2.Jenny put a new film in her camera. _______


( )3.It’s about five hundred year old. _______


( )4.I’m puting a film in my camera. _______


( )5.These child are flying kites. _______

A B C 六、连词组句。(15分)

1. can I the bed make . 2. she quiet is ? 3. you can What do ?

4. pretty young and She’s . 5.any fish Are there river in the ? 七、Read and match.(将右栏答语前的题号填在左边的括号内。8分) ( ) 1.What’s she like? A. I can make the bed. ( ) 2. Who’s your art teacher? B. Quiet. ( ) 3. How many takes are there? C. Two. ( ) 4. What can you do? D. Mr. Zhang. ( ) 5. What’s your favorite fruit? E. Yes, I can. ( ) 6. Can you wash the clothes? F. Bananas.

( ) 7. What’s your mother? G. Over the door. ( ) 8. Where is the air-conditioner? H. A doctor. 八、Read, tick or cross.(阅读短文,判断正误。20分)


Hello, my friends. My name is Mary. I am from America. I am a girl. I am eleven. I am in Class Two, Grade Six. Our school is very big. I like math and English. My favorite teacher is Miss White. She is very pretty. At home, I’m very helpful. I can clean the bedroom, sweep the floor, make the bed. What about? ( ) 1. Mary is 12.

( ) 2. Mary has a big school.

( ) 3. Mary likes math. She likes English, too. ( ) 4. Mary is not helpful at home. ( ) 5. Mary likes Miss White.


Little Zeke lives in Emma’s desk. Emma and Little Zeke are friends. He helps Emma amd Emma helps him. Emma has a sock in her desk. It is a gift for Little Zeke. Little Zeke sleeps in the sock.

( )1.Little Zeke is a boy.

( )2.Little Zeke lives in Emma’s bag. ( )3.Little Zeke sleeps in the desk. ( )4.Emma helps Little Zeke.

( )5.Emma has a gift for Little Zeke.

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