


I. 单项选择。

( ) 1. It’s too _______ outside. You must put on (穿上) your sweater. A. hot

B. cool

C. cold

D. warm

( ) 2. What _______ the children ______?

A. is, doing

B. are, do

C. are, doing D. does, does

( ) 3. —________ you ______ the window? —Yes, I am.

A. Do, clean B. Is, cleaning C. Do, cleaning D. Are, cleaning

( ) 4. In Harbin, people always ______hats in winter because it’s very cold.

A. wear B. wears C. puts on D. put on

( ) 5. Kate is sitting _____ the pool, and his sister is skating ______ a river .

A . in , by B . by , on C . on , on D. by , in

( ) 6. It often _____ in the north of China in winter, and the weather is very


A. snow B. snows C. snowy

D. snowing

( ) 7. She isn’t eating ______. She is drinking ______. A. apple, tea B. milk, a pear

C. a egg, milk

D. an orange, orange

( ) 8. Some are walking along the lake. ________ are sitting on the grass.

A. The other

B. The others

C. Others

D. Another

( ) 9. My family are _________ a vacation in Dalian.

A. for B. in C. at

D. on

( ) 10. — ______ is the weather today? —It’s windy.

A. What

B. How

C. When

D. Why

( ) 11. He’s sitting ______ the beach and ______ orange juice. A. on, drinking B. in, drinking

C. on, drinks D. in, drinks

( ) 12. —What ______ his parents doing ? — _______ having lunch. A. is, He’s

B. is, He

C. are, They’re D. are, They

( ) 13. Look! They are having a great time ______soccer in the park .

A . plays B. played C . playing D . play

( ) 14.—How’s it going? — _________.

A. It’s windy B. Not at all C. Not bad


( ) 15. — ? —They are studying. A. What are they doing

C. How are they

B. Where are they

D. That’s all

D. What do they do

( )16. Who’s the beautiful woman _________ a red hat?

A. wear B. wearing C. wears D. to wear

( )17. Our Chinese teacher is helping ________ with our writing.

A. we and she B. she and we C. me and her D. she and me ( )18. In winter, we need ______ more clothes.

A. wearing B wears C to wear D. to wearing ( )19. Tom and his English teacher _______ over there. A. talks B. are talking C. is talk D. be talking ( )20.It’s _____ here. Maybe it’s going to _____.

A. wind; rain B. windy; raining C. wind; rainy D. windy; rain II. 动词应用。

用所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。 1. The school needs help _________ (teach) music . 2.— Hello !This is Kate _________( speak ).

— Hi, Kate. It’s Tom. May I __________( speak ) to your mother, please? 3. We are having a great time __________(sing ) in the classroom. 4. ______ you and your sister _______( play ) puter games now ? 5. In winter, I like ________ ( skate ) on the river.. 6. Amy ___________ ( sit ) in the sofa and watching TV now. 7. My mother enjoys ___________( dance ) every day.

8. Lisa __________( talk ) on the phone for 3 hours every day. 9. —What is Tom doing right now? —He’s ____________( swim ). 10. Could you ask her ___________( call )me at 675-5432 ? III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. It’s ______ ( cloud ) now. I think it’s going to rain. 2. It’s kind of hot because it’s ________ (sun).

3. —How’s the weather tomorrow? —It’s ___________ (wind).

4. Look at the ad(广告). It says “ Teachers _________ (want) for Weekend Class ” 5.—How’s your winter vacation ____________(go)?

—Great! The weather is cold , but it’s __________(snow). We can play the snowman. 6. There are a lot of ________ in the sky. It’s ____________ (cloud). 7. I want to join a ______ (sport) club .

8. Xu Peidong and Qiao Yu are Chinese ___________ (music ). 9. The teacher asks ____________ (he) to get to school on time. 10. Thank you for _____________ (join) our show. IV. 完成句子。根据句意和汉语提示,完成句子。 1. Look at the sun. It’s a _________ (晴朗的) day.

2. It’s very ____________ (寒冷的) outside. Please wear lots of clothes. 3. The radio says it will be _________ (下雨) tomorrow. Please take your raincoat with you.

4. Today is ____________ (下雪). The ground (地面) is all white. 5. That ____________ (听起来) terrible. That can’t be true(真实的). 6. What are you doing? I’m ____________(做饭). 7. Let me _________________(捎口信) for him.

8. They can _____ you ________ (讲故事) and you can _______ _________ (交朋友). 9.Could you just___________________________(叫他给我回电话)? 10._____________ (听起来像) you’re having a good time. V. 阅读理解。


In England, people don’t often talk much. You can get on a bus or a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Often they read books or newspapers. But they don’t talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing – weather. So when you meet someone in England, you can say, “Nice weather for the time of year!” “But it is a little cold today.” Someone may answer. “But it will be warm in the afternoon.” You can say. If you talk like this, the English people will think, “How friendly you are!”


( ) 1. On the bus, the English people don’t often ______.

A. talk much. C. eat anything

B. stand

D. read newspapers

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