初三英语上学期unit 4重点知识讲解2


①I don’t live on the top floor. I live on the floor below. 我不是住在顶层,我住在下一层。 ②The bottom was a few hundred feet below. 洞有几百英尺深。 ③Can you hear the music from below? 你能听到从下面传来的音乐吗?

★below用作介词,意思是“在或向低于(某人/某物的)位置、平面、等级等”。如: ①He lives in the flat below me. 他住在我下面那一层的单元。

②The temperature remained below freezing all day. 温度整天都在冰点以下。 ③The standard of his work is well below the average of his class. 他的成绩大大低于班上的平均成绩。

④You can cross the river a short distance below the waterfall. 在瀑布下游附近可以过河。


①Did you see the boat below the bridge? 你看到桥下游的船了吗? ②Where shall I write the number, on, above or below the line? 我把号码写在哪儿,压线,线上还是线下? ③Pay attention to the rock below the surface of the river. 注意水面下的岩石。


①His shoes are under the desk. 他的鞋在桌子底下。 ②What’s under the bridge? 桥底下有什么?

③Now we are flying over the city, and we can see the railway station directly under us. 现在我们正在飞跃城市的上空,在我们的正下方可以看到火车站。 【注】表示数量的多少时,两者可通用。如: ④He is below / under fifty. 他不到五十岁。

40. Recommend the most suitable Saturday TV programmes to Millie and her friends. 推荐最适合的周六电视节目给Millie和她的朋友们。 41. Choose from the four programmes listed on pages 60 and 61. 选取60和61页上列出的四个节目。



①I’ll let you choose how you’re going to die. 我要让你自己选择死的方法。 ②Choose the best answer. 选择最佳答案。

③I don’t know which one to choose. 我不知道选择哪一个。

④I’ve chosen them because of the colours. 我挑了它们,因为它们颜色比较好。 ⑤His League group chose him as their leader. 他们的团小组选他当了组长。


①He looked through the suits and selected the cheapest one for me. 他在那些衣服里找了一阵,挑了一套最便宜的给我。 ②You can select five things that represent Chinese culture. 你可以挑选五种东西代表中国文化。

★pick out也可表示“选择”“挑选”,比较通俗,指按个人喜好或希望进行挑选,多用于有形的东西(人或物)。如:

①You can pick out your new bicycle. 你可以为自己挑选一辆新自行车。 ②Here are some magazines. You can pick out those you want. 这里有一些杂志,你可挑出你要的。

③It took Mary a long time to pick out a new dress at the store. 玛丽在店里花了好长时间才挑好一件新衣裳。 42. Sandy wants to practice saying the different “-s” endings. Sandy想要练习不同的以“-s”结尾的发音。


①He is practicing the piano now. 他现在正在练(习弹)钢琴。 ②The trouble is that we don’t practice enough. 问题是我们练习得不够。 ③The team is practicing for the match on Saturday. 这个队正在为星期六的比赛进行训练。

④We often practice speaking English among ourselves. 我们经常互相间练习讲英语。 ⑤He is practicing reversing the car into the garage. 他在练习倒车入车库。



1. Of all the stars, the sun is . A. the big

B. the bigger

C. the biggest

D. big

2. The dumplings taste . Please help yourselves.

A. had

B. so-so

C. well

D. delicious

3. her way home, Liu Mei helped a lost child find his mother.

A. By

B. In

C. At

D. On

4. , China will send up a spaceship with people into space.

A. Before long

B. So far

C. From then on

D. Long before

5. That digital camera is too and I can’t afford it.

A. much

B. high

C. cheap

D. expensive

6. We can’t see the sun night.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. to

7. Changzhou lies the south of Jiangsu and the west of Wuxi.

A. in; in

B. on; to

C. in; on

D. to; on

8. It’s very kind you to show me they way.

A. for

B. of

C. with

D. from

9. They found very hard to work out the problem.

A. it

B. its

C. this

D. that

10. How much did the car you?

A. take

B. spend

C. cost

D. pay

11. “The Young Pioneers often help the old man do some cleaning.” “ .”

A. So they do

B. So do they

C. So we do

D. We either

12. “Would you mind my opening the window?” “ .”

A. Of course, open it B. Certainly, do please C. No, don’t do it

D. Not, at all


13. “Where is Mr. Jiang?” “He London.”

A. has been to

B. has been

C. has gone

D. has gone to

14. “Is Jim at home by himself?”

“No, There is another boy with him.”

A. playing

B. play

C. plays

D. to play

15. Zhongshan Road is road in our city.

A. the two widest C. the second wider

B. a second widest D. the second widest

16. I really don’t know what to about such a thing.

A. say

B. speak

C. talk

D. tell

17. “ does he take this medicine?” “Twice a day.”

A. How long

B. How often

C. How soon

D. How much

18. She was so angry at he was doing she walked out without a word.

A. what; that

B. that; what

C. that; that

D. what; what

19. Half of the class most of the work. Some of the work really difficult.

A. have done; is

B. had done; are

C. has done; is

D. have done; are

20. There are many trees on side of the street, and of the trees is still increasing.

A. both; the number C. both; a number

B. either; the number D. either; a number

21. I was told Bill Gates was thirteen he began to play with computers.

A. that how

B. how that

C. when that

D. that when

22. “Which colour do you prefer, red or pink?” “ . I really don’t mind.”

A. Both

B. None

C. Either

D. Neither

23. “He didn’t catch the train, did he?”

“ , though he was caught in the rain.”

A. No, he didn’t

B. Yes, he did

C. No, he did

D. Yes, he didn’t

24. Is Russia Asian or European country?

A. the; an; a

B. /; an; a

C. /; an; an

D. /; the; the

25. It’s the third time you late this month.


A. have reached B. head reached C. have arrived D. had arrived

26. The traffic accident happened near the post office a rainy night.

A. at

B. in

C. on

D. from

27. Usually Li Lei spends time doing homework than Lin Tao does.

A. little

B. less

C. few

D. fewer

28. The computer needs . I think I need to ask Mr. Zhang for help.

A. fixing; going

B. fixing; to go

C. to fix; going

D. to fix; to go

29. There’s “h” in the word hour.

A. a

B. the

C. an

D. /

30. Wow, so many books. We need to tidy this shelf to make for our new books.

A. place

B. space

C. room

D. rooms


1. C 根据Of all the stars,形容词应该用最高级。 2. D 从后句说Please help yourselves.可知这饺子很好吃。 3. D 这是一个介词的固定用法。

4. A Before long表示“不久以后”,根据后面的动词将来时可知。

5. D expensive表示“价钱贵”;much表示“花钱多”,常跟在cost后;high表示“贵”,


6. C “at night”是固定结构;如用“in”,则night前要用定冠词。

7. C “in”表示“在某个范围以内”,“on”表示“在某个范围以外,但两着接触”根据地


8. B 在这种“It is + adj + prep + sb.”的句型中,如果介词后的名词与介词前的形容词有逻


9. A 这里的“it”用作形式宾语。而this和that不具备此用法。

10. C 这句话的主语是the car,而不是人;spend, take总是用于“人”做主语的句子中。Take



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