2020版英语高考新攻略江苏专用大一轮精练Module2 Unit3 Amazingpeople语境运用含答案

Module 2 Unit 3 Amazing people




1.It’s (渴望) that all the humans be treated equally.

2.Physics is the best example of a (自然科学学科) which has developed strong and abstract theories.

3.Inside the tombs, he discovered a great fortune in jewels and gold, along with the (保存的) bodies of dead kings.

4.The accident caused a large number of . 5.The students got (灰心的) when the teacher told them few of them got a good mark in the exam.

6.Some patients have short-term difficulty when eating immediately after the operation.

7.She (发信号) to the other girls that everything was all right. 8.It is good to be curious the world around you.

9.The other day I came my former colleague in the department store. 10.Parents are always trying to him with self-confidence. 11.We should look up him as an example of devotion to duty. 12.The police have arrested two suspects in with the bank robbery. 13.He cheated in the exam, which resulted his failure to get the degree.

14.It is very important to control what you think if you wish to be in of your life. 15.Soon after the sunrise, the explorers began to set sail Africa.

答案 1.desired 2.science 3.preserved 4.deaths 5.discouraged 6.swallowing 7.signaled 8.about 9.across 10.inspire 11.to 12.connection 13.in 14.control 15.for


1.The boy looked at the box and then he opened it out of .(curious)

2. I listened to you,otherwise I wouldn’t have made so big a in the stock market. (fortunate)

3.The child might not like the , but he could understand why he was . (punish)

4.He his life to his work, and his to his job was admired by everyone, including some of his friends. (devote)

5.Having lost both legs in a severe accident, the young man at last, whose was really a miracle. (survive)

答案 1.curious;curiously;curiosity 2.Fortunately;fortune 3.punishment;punished 4.devoted;devotion;devoted 5.survived;survival


1.玛丽从英国回来的时候,她的儿子已经大学毕业了。(过去完成时表示过去的过去) By the time Mary returned from England, her son from college. 2.每一个结果都有一个原因,这是肯定的。(what引导主语从句) is that every effect has a cause.

3.她兴冲冲地回到家里,却发现一个人也没有。(only to do...作结果状语) She returned home excitedly, nobody was in. 4.你是什么时候发现钱包不见了的?(强调句)

you found the wallet missing? 5.如果被加热,冰会变成水。(条件状语从句的省略) , ice will turn into water.

答案 1.had graduated 2.What is certain 3.only to find 4.When was it that 5.If heated

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