

一.( )1.If you go out at night, you'll be able to see ____


A. thousands of B. thousand of C. nine thousands of D. thousands

( )2.Monday is ___ day of the week.

A. first B. the first C. the second D. second ( )3.You've done it twice. Why not try ____ time? A. third B. the third C. a third D. once ( )4.Which is the____ month? It's September. A. nine B. nineth C. ninth D. ninety ( )5.December is ___ of the year.

A. the twelfth months B. the twelfth month C. the twelveth months D. twelve months

( )6.There are ___ floors in the building and he lives on the ____ floor.

A. eighteen, fifteen B. eighteenth, fifteenth C. eighteen, fiveteen D. eighteen, fifteenth ( )7.I was born ___, 1982.

A. on June 2rd B. in June 2nd C. on June two D. on June 2

( )8.It's ____ from our home to the zoo.

A. two and a half hours' walk B. a half and two hours walk C. two hours and a half hour's walk D. two and a half hour's walk

( )9.What time is it now? It's ___ to six. A. quarter B. a quarter C. quarto C. a quarto ( )10.Will you be back in ____ ?

A. one or two minutes B. one minute or two C. two minutes or one D. two or one minute

( )11.Mary's uncle went to France ____.

A. in his thirties B. on his thirties C. at his thirties D. about his thirties

( )12.The headmaster wrote a ___ report.

A. two thousand words B.two-thousand-words C. two-thousand words D. two-thousand-word

( )13.____of the apples in the fruit bowl are soft and sweet.

A. Two-third B. Second-third C. Two-thirds D. Second-thirds

( )14.We have learned about ____ these days.

A. several hundreds English words B. hundreds of English words

C. hundred of English words D. several hundred English


( )15.A UN report says that the word population will pass six billion by the end of ____ century.

A. twentieth B. Twenty C. the twentieth D. the twentyth

二.1). There are ___ days in a year.

A. three hundreds sixty-five B. three hundreds and sixty-five

C. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundred and sixty five

2). There are____ students in this school.

A. eight hundreds and forty-six B. eight hundred and forty six

C. eight hundred and forty-six D. eight hundred forty-six

2. 1).______people visit this museum every day. A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of 2).There are two___ people in the meeting room. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred o 3). Every year ___ watch NBA on TV.

A. million people B. millions of people C. millions people D. million of people

4). ____ trees have been planted in our school in the past 10 years.

A. Thousands of B. Two thousands C. Thousand of D. Two thousand of

5). Look! There are ___ in the sky.

A. thousand stars B. thousand of stars C. thousands of stars D. thousands of star

3. 1). My brother is in____.

A. Three Class, One Grade B. Class Three, Grade One C. Grade One, Class Three

D. class three, grade one

2.) We are going to learn___ this term.

A. book six B. six book C. the book six D. Book Six 3). Please turn to___. Let\\'s read the text aloud. A. Page Two . B. the page two C. second page D. page second 4. 1). We can say the number 78, 645 in English like this____.

A. seventy-eight thousand and six hundred and forty-five B. seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty five C.seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty-five D. seventy eight thousand six hundred and forty-five 2). \

A. nineteen and ninety-nine B. nineteen ninety-nine C. one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine D. nineteen hundred and ninety-nine

5. 1). He will come here ____ tomorrow morning. A. at fifth B. at ten C. on two D. till tenth 2). Every day he begins to do his homework ___.

A. at ten past seven B. at seven pass ten C. on ten past seventh D. until ten

3). He was doing some washing ____.

A. at eight yesterday morning B. yesterday morning eight C. yesterday morning at eight D. by eight yesterday morning 6. 1).He began to work there____.

A. on his fifty B. at age of fifty C. when he fifty D. in his fifties

2). They moved to Beijing _

A. in 1980s B. in the 1980 \\' C. in the 1980s D. on the 1980\\'s

3). We all like the boy.

A. of ten years old B. ten-year-old C. at ten old D. of age of ten

4).She was ___ her early twenties when she went abroad. A. at B. on C. of D: in

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