


教师姓名 沈继红 职称 讲师 办公室 奉贤五教B111 电话 电子信箱 jhshen@shnu.edu.cn (授课教师主要讲授的本科课程有《英语阅读》、《教学活动设计》、《综合英语》,主要研究领域:英语教学法。)


课程名称(中文): 英语阅读(1-2) 课程名称(英文): Extensive Reading (1-2) 课程类别:

□通识必修课□通识选修课?专业必修课□专业方向课 □专业拓展课□实践性环节

课程性质*: 课程代码: 周学时:2 先修课程: 授课对象:

□学术知识性?方法技能性□研究探索性□实践体验性 0410204 总学时:64 高中英语











英语阅读1 Week 1 (2 periods)

* course introduction

* text reading & skill practice: Writing between the Lines * assignment: oral reproduction of the reading text home reading: Vocabulary Learning (Chapter 7 & 11 from How to

Study Foreign Languages) & reflection (8 pages)

dictionary work on vocabulary from the reading text Week 2 (2 periods)

* assignment check (oral presentation) * root study (-tact, -scrib)

* discussion on home readings & instruction on vocabulary learning strategies * assignment: home reading: London & Great Britain (8 pages) dictionary work on root words & vocabulary from home readings Week 3 (2 periods)

* assignment check

* skill practice: guessing word meanings from contextual clues

* assignment: dictionary work on vocabulary covered in class guessing activities Week 4 (2 periods) * root study (-cept, -vers)


* skill practice: guessing word meanings from word-formation * text reading & vocabulary exploration: My father’s Shadow

* assignment: home reading: Love & Confidence Game (8 pages) dictionary work on root words & vocabulary from home readings Week 5 (2 periods)

* assignment check & discussion on home readings * root study (-claim, -greg)

* skill practice: understanding complex sentences

* assignment: home reading: Getting Enough Sleep? Dream On & The Beauty and

the Yak (8 pages)

dictionary work on root words & vocabulary from home readings Week 6 (2 periods) * Quiz 1

* assignment check * root study (-pel, -dict)

* skill practice: recognizing topics & main ideas * assignment:

home reading: Critical Thinking & Cheating (8 pages)

dictionary work on root words & vocabulary from home readings

Week 7 (2 periods)

* assignment check & discussion on home readings * root study (-fer, -cess)

* skill practice: recognizing topics & main ideas * assignment:

home reading: Shadow of Dreams & My Way to Success (8 pages)

dictionary work on root words & vocabulary from home readings

Week 8 (2 periods)

* assignment check & discussion on home readings * root study (-lect, -tract) * skill practice: scanning

* assignment: home reading: Open the Door to Forgiveness & Overdue Interest (7


dictionary work on root words & vocabulary from home readings Week 9 (2 periods)

* assignment check & discussion on home readings * root study (-pli, -cred)

* skill practice: recognizing organizational patterns * assignment:

home reading: When does education stop? & The All-American Slurp (8 pages)

dictionary work on root words & vocabulary from home readings

Week 10 (2 periods) * Quiz 2


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