

Listening 听力部分 22’

一、 听录音,写单词,并写出单词的中文含义。22’

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)

Writing 笔试部分 68’ 二、读一读,画一画。12’ 1. A yellow sun. 2. A red umbrella. 页眉内容

3. A green table. 4. A black and white panda. 三、 看图,将正确的对话语句的序号填入对话框内。24’ A. Oh, the sun! B. Thank you, Mum! C. Good boy! D. Hurry! E. Oh! A panda! F. Look! An umbrella and a table! G. Look at the monkey! H. Wow! A zebra! 四、 写出下列词组的缩写形式. 4’ What is = My name is = 五、 介绍家庭。12’

六、 写出下列句子的含义。16’ 1. Good girl! 2. Happy birthday! 3. Look! A red and a yellow sun. 4. Wow! A red and a blue kite! 5. Oh, a jelly! Thank you! 6. Look at my nose, please. 7. Stop my dog, please! 8. An apple, please! 9. This is my friend! 10. What’s your name? 口语部分 10’ 六、按照抽签的结果,表演朗诵课文相应的课文或英语歌。10’


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