


系: 高职计算机系 专业: 学生: 指导教师:



摘 要

通常计算机组网的传输媒介主要依赖铜缆或光缆,构成有线局域网。但有线网络在某些场合要受到布线的限制:布线、改线工程量大;线路容易损坏;网中的各节点不可移动。特别是当要把相离较远的节点联接起来时,架设专用通信线路的布线施工难度大、费用高、耗时长,对正在迅速扩大的连网需求形成了严重的瓶颈阻塞。WLAN就是解决有线网络以上问题而出现的, WLAN为Wireless LAN的简称,即无线局域网。无线局域网是利用无线技术实现快速接入以太网的技术。与有线网络相比,WLAN最主要的优势在于不需要布线,可以不受布线条件的限制。

本文介绍了如何简单组建WLAN无线网络,无线局域网的基本组成构架和优缺点,组建WLAN无线网络所需的软硬件和无线局域网在实际中的发展和应用, 叙述它组建WLAN无线网络所必须的相关知识和要点。简述无线网络的安全问题和解决方案。本文讲述了在根据要求和规划选择组网方案。最后设计一个具体的例子说明了组建WLAN无线网络的具体步骤。浅析组建WLAN无线网络所需的硬件和方案。

关键字: 无线局域网 IEEE802.11n 安全管理



Computer network transmission medium is usually rely mainly on copper or fiber to form a wired LAN. But the cable network cabling in some cases be limited to: cabling, altered large projects; line easily damaged; each node in the network can not be moved. Especially when far away from the phase node should join up, set up dedicated communication line wiring construction difficult, costly, time-consuming, the needs of the rapidly expanding Internet has become a serious bottleneck congestion.WLAN over wired networks is the solution to problems, WLAN is short for Wireless LAN, that wireless LAN. Wireless LAN is the use of wireless technology for fast access to Ethernet technology. Compared with the wired network, WLAN does not require wiring the main advantage is, you can not wiring conditions.

This article describes how to set up a simple WLAN wireless network, wireless local area network architecture and the advantages and disadvantages of the basic composition, formation of WLAN hardware and software required for wireless networks and wireless local area network in the development and practical application, described it necessary to set up WLAN wireless network related knowledge and key points. Description of wireless network security problems and solutions. This paper describes the requirements and planning options under the network program. Final design of a concrete example of a WLAN wireless network set up the concrete steps. On the formation of WLAN hardware required for wireless networks and programs.

Key words:Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) IEEE802.11n safety management


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