Unit 2I think that mooncakes are delicious!单元知识点详解

I think that mooncakes are delicious!单元知识点详解

▲stranger n.陌生人 strange adj.陌生的,奇怪的

eg:He is a stranger. He looks very strange today.他是一位陌生人,他今天看起来很奇怪。 ▲eat out在外面吃,在饭馆里吃,吃光 eg:He always eats out every day because he doesn’t like cooking.他每天在饭馆里吃, 因为他不喜欢做饭。

【拓展] sell out卖光/完 wear out穿破,用坏 put on增加(体重);上演(剧);穿上/戴上(衣服,服饰) eg:He has put on 2 kilos. 他体重增加了2公斤。 ▲in two weeks两周后


eg:We will leave school in a year一年后我们就要毕业了。


eg:He got to Beijing after two hours Jtwo hours later. 两小时后他到达北京的。 ▲sound like fun听起来有趣

连系动词sound, look, smell,taste等之后跟形容词或like+n.

eg:He looks handsome /like his father.他看起来帅/看起来像他父亲。

I wonder if it’s similar to the water festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province. 我想知道那个节日是否与云南省傣族人的泼水节是相似的。

注惫. if是连词,引导宾语从句(主要引导一般疑问句或选择疑问句转变而来的宾语从句)。 ▲wish的用法

(1)wish n.愿望,祝愿。其复数形式为wishes eg:Best wishes to you.把最好的祝愿带给你。 (2) wish v.希望(表示一种不易实现的愿望) eg:I wish you success.祝你成功。 (3) wish表愿望时,用虚拟语气

eg:I wished I would fly to the moon.我希望我将飞到月球上去。

▲whoever无论谁。相当于no matter who,引导状语从句(注意从句不能用将来时) eg:Whoever you are,I will help you.无论你是谁,我都会帮你。 类似的引导词有whenever, wherever,however,whatever等。 ▲fly up to飞到??上去

注意:fly的过去式及过去分词分别为flew, flown.

eg:Has anyone flown up to Mars?有人飞到火星上去吗?

▲shoot down sth.射下某物 shoot的过去式及过去分词分别为shot,shot. eg:The boy shot down a bird just now.那男孩刚才射下了一只鸟。 ▲refuse的用法

refuse v.拒绝。其结构refuse (sb.)to do sth.拒绝(某人)做某事,其反义词为accept。 ▲ 其他重点短语:(1) in the shape of (是) ......的形状; (2) call out对??大声叫喊 ( 3 ) lay out摆开/摆出(lay- laid- laid);(4)share?with和??分享;(5) as a result结果



▲【辨析】put on, wear和dress

(I) put on(强调穿/戴的动作)穿上/戴上

eg:It,s snowing. You’d better put on your coat and gloves.在下雪,你最好穿上大衣,戴上手套。

(2) wear强调穿/戴的状态)穿着,戴着

eg:The woman is wearing a dress and a pair of sunglasses.那女士穿着礼服, 戴着一副太阳镜。

(3) ① dress + sb.给某人穿衣服

eg:He is dressing his father.他在给他父亲穿衣服。 ②dress + sb.+in +衣服/颜色,给某人穿??

eg:She wants to dress her son in a pair of black trousers.她想给她儿子穿一条黑色裤子。 【注意】dress之后不能直接跟衣服或颜色,要在此之前加in,而且不能跟眼镜或手表之类的名词。


①dress up装扮;②dress up as?装扮成??

eg:He often dresses up as a Father Christmas.他经常扮成圣诞老人. (3)get dressed相当于dress oneself穿衣服 get dressed (in +衣服/颜色)穿??衣服

eg:The woman got dressed a red dress to the club.那女士穿一件红色裙子去俱乐部。 ▲trick or treat是愚弄还是招待 trick n.玩笑,花招,愚弄。

短语:play a trick on sb.愚弄,开玩笑

eg:Don’t play a trick on the old man.不要愚弄那老人。

▲It’s fun to dress up as cartoon characters.扮成卡通人物真有趣。 【知识点详解】 ▲mean的用法


eg:What does he mean by shaking his head?他摇头是什么意思? (2)adj.自私的,吝音的

eg:You musm’t be too mean and only think about yourself. 你不能太自私只考虑你自己。 (3) meaning n.惫思,含义

eg:What’s the meaning of Christmas?圣诞节的含义是什么? ▲【辨析] die, dead, death和dying (1)die v.(短暂性)死,强调动作

eg:The lion died just now. 那头狮子刚才死了。

(2) dead adj.死的(作定语和表语)。注意与一段时间连用时,用be dead,而不用die。

eg:He has been dead for 2 days.=He died 2 days ago.他死2天了。/他两天前死的。 (3) dying是die的现在分词形式,adj.快要死的。 (4)death n.死

eg:His death made everyone sad.他的死使每个人伤心。 ▲warn的用法

warn v.警告,提醒

(1)warn(sb.)to do sth.提醒/警告别人干??


(2)warn sb. against(doing)

sth. /not to do sth.警告某人不要干?? ▲其他重点短语

(1) remind sb. of?使某人想起;(2) used to do sth.过去常干??;(3)written by 被??写的;(4) in need处于需求中;(5 )care about关心,担心;(6 )wake up醒来,叫醒; (7) end up(with...)(以??) 结束;(8) think about考虑

▲Hens lay eggs,giving birth to life.母鸡下蛋,孵化新的生命。 giving birth to life是现在分词短语作伴随状语。

eg:He walked in the street,listening to music.他一边走,一边听音乐。

▲A popular activity during Easter is to hide eggs around your home or garden for friends or relatives to find.在复活节期间一项流行的活动是在你家或花园的附近藏鸡蛋,以便朋友们或亲戚们去找。

(1) during Easter在复活节期间

(2)to hide eggs是不定式短语,放在系动词( be)后面作表语。 eg:My duty is to look after the kids. 我的职责是照顾孩子。 (3)for friends or relatives to find是不定式短语作目的状语。

eg:I bought some meat for parents to eat. 我买了一些肉以便父母吃。

▲Not only do people spread them around in different hiding places for an egg hunt,but they also give out these treats as gifts.为了找鸡蛋,人们不仅把真鸡蛋或巧克力鸡蛋在不同隐藏的地方散开,而且人们还把它们当作礼物送出去。

本句是一个倒装句。连词not only?but(also)?意

为“不但??而且.......\连接两个简单句时,not only可以放在句首表示强调,这时句子要用部分倒装,即将谓语动词的一部分(如情态动词,助动词do, does,did, have, has, had等)放在主语的前面,而but (also)后的句子仍用陈述句。


由that, if或whether引导的宾语从句 1.宾语从句的定义

句子的宾语一般由名词、代词、动名词或不定式来充当,当用一个句子充当宾语时,我们把这个句子叫做宾语从句。 2.宾语从句的引导词

(1)如果宾语从句是由陈述句转变而来的,其引导词用that。that本身无意义,可省略。 eg:They are good doctors. He tells us.一He tells us(that)they are good doctors.他告诉我们他们是好医生。

(2)如果宾语从句是由一般疑问句转变而来的,其引导词要用if/whether,意为“是否”。 eg:Mr. Chen asks,“Are you all here?”一Mr.Chen asks if/whether we are all here.陈老师问我们是否都到了。



宾语从句无论是由一般疑问句转变来,还是由特殊疑问句转变而来,在转变为宾语从句后,都要用陈述句语序。 eg:Does Jim’s father work here? Do you know? Do you know if Jim’s father works here?你知道吉姆的父亲是在这里工作吗?



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