
Answers to International Case Questions (Chapter 1-17)

Chapter 2 Spirituality in the Workplace (p.51)

1.Relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit; concerned with religious values; concerned with the soul; of, from, or pertaining to God.组成的,有关或影响精神;关心宗教价值观;关心灵魂;,,或属于上帝。

2.A code of ethics is often the outcome of spirituality.道德规范通常是精神的结果。

3.Recent scandals such as Parmalat, WorldCom, Adelphia, Enron and Global Crossing point out the need for better ethical standards and corporate governance as a fiduciary responsibility.Adelphia公司最近的丑闻如帕玛拉特、世通,安然和环球电讯指出需要更好的道德标准和公司治理作为受托责任。

4.Against: If the business of business is business, then spirituality has no place.

For: Since spirituality is part of the ecology in which businesses operate, it would be remiss not to take it into account.反对:如果业务是业务的业务,然后灵性没有立足之地。:因为精神是企业运营的生态的一部分,这将是迟缓的不考虑它。

Chapter 3 Starbucks—— Quality Plus Social Conscious Sells Around the World (p.74)

1. It created a friendly environment and initially provided “specialty” coffee drinks and a place to access the Internet.最初它创造了一个友好的环境和提供“专业”咖啡饮料和上网的地方。

2. Standardization and theme.标准化和主题。

3. It is doing that through expanding its non-coffee drinks and snack selections. 它这样做是通过扩大非咖啡饮料和零食的选择。

4. The challenges are already here, which requires reorganization and regrouping, as illustrated in the press release above. 已经在这里的挑战,这需要重组,重组,见上面的新闻稿。

Chapter 4 Developing Verifiable Goals (p.109)

1.A division manager can develop verifiable goals, as illustrated in the case. The problem here is that the division head does not know if these are the same goals that the president would have for the division. It is always a good idea to test reality by closing the loop with the boss.部门经理可以开发可验证的目标,如。这里的问题是,部门主管不知道如果这是相同的目标,总统就会分裂。它总是一个好主意来测试现实和老板通过关闭循环。

2.The division manager seems to have been swept away by the lecture. Even though he has articulated some objectives, we do not know if they were attainable. Clearly, the subordinates have to be given guidelines and premises. The resources of capital and manpower are always limited and to prioritize them takes a lot of skill and participation, something not apparent in the case.部门经理似乎已经被讲座。虽然他的一些目标,我们不知道他们是可以实现的。显然,下属必须给予指导原则和前提。资本和人力的资源总是有限的,优先考虑他们需要大量的技巧和参与,不明显。

Chapter 6. Carrefour-Which Way to Go? (p.145)

1. His target markets are already identified and his new concept stores are successful. The powerful image of Carrefours is his most important asset.他的目标市场已经确定和新概念商店是成功的。强大的一家家乐福的形象是他最重要的资产。

2. Copying Wal-Mart’s strategy would imitate, not distinguish, and probably work against his progress to date.模仿沃尔玛的策略会模仿,不区分,可能对他的进步。

3. By focusing on choice, innovation, freshness, and own label as well as maintaining local price leadership. 通过专注于选择、创新、新鲜和自己的标签以及维护当地的价格领先。

4. The characteristics of people in a shared place and time are largely dependent on generational influences and vary according to the country and its socio-economic environment. The eating and buying habits of each country are available through government agencies such as the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce and research groups such as A. C. Nielsen, which track consumer spending patterns.


Chapter 13 Jack Welch leading organizational change at GE(p.305)

1. This is really a case specific question because of the massive layoffs of over 100,000 employees.

Some authors focus on the social consequences of restructuring and others detail the innovations and self-actualization processes that Welch initiated and which led to the rise of GE in corporate value.这真是一个案例的具体问题,因为大规模裁员超过100000名员工。一些作者关注社会后果的重组和其他细节的创新和自我实现过程韦尔奇发起和导致通用电气公司价值的崛起。

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