

四川电大形成性测评系统 课程代码:5110433 参考资料 、单项选择题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。单项选择题) 1.

Which of the following statements is not true about the British media? A.

They supply people with news, keeping them informed of what is happening in the world. B.

They are mainly interested in making huge profits by publishing advertisement. C.

They help shape British culture. D.

They provide entertainment. 参考答案:B 2.

Which of the following countries does not have nuclear weapons capabilities? A. A. Britain.

B. The United States. C. Italy. D. Russia. 参考答案:C 3.

Which celebration particularly happens on the Queen’s birthday? A. Bonfires.


The Orange March. C.

Trooping the Color. D. Masquerades. 参考答案:C 4.

How much of the globe did Britain rule in its imperial prime? A.

A fourth of the globe. B.

A fifth of the globe. C.

A third of the globe. D.

Two-thirds of the globe. 参考答案:C 5.

Which of the following sports was NOT invented in Britain? A. Football. B. Tennis. C. Basketball. D. Cricket. 参考答案:C 6.

Which of the following is truly a sport of the royal family? A. Cricket. B. Skiing. C. Golfing. D.

Horse racing. 参考答案:D 7.

Which of the following is the world’s oldest national newspaper? A. The Times. B.

The Guardian. C.

The Observer. D.

The Financial Times. 参考答案:C 8.

Which of the following newspapers is a tabloid? A.

The News of the World. B.

East Enders. C.

The Telegraph.

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