

1. “Don’t touch the electric wire,” she screamed at her son.

A. wept B. cried out C. sighed D insisted 2. They stop by to see us now and then. A. often B. usually C. once in a while D. more often than not 3. A group of kids stood by and watched the school bully beat up a smaller boy. A. a person who threatens the weaker B. a person who deceives others C. a gangster D. an activist 4. The soil is not difficult to till when there is a lot of rain. A. weed B. cultivate C. sow D. reap 5. He went to school in spite of the heavy rain. A. regardless of B. concerning C. with respect to D. despite of 6. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but I really don't need any help. A. gratitude B. thankless C. disgraceful D. unreasonable 7.____ Napoleon once said, attack is the best method of defence.

A. Like B. Such as C. What D. As 8. The destruction of rainforests has been ____ as a disaster for the environment. A. condemned B. condensed C. contradicted D. congested 9. My father used to smoke more than ____ was good for his health. A. what B. which C. that D. this

10. Coffeehouses at that time were ____ by the thousands, and they were usually men-only establishments.

A. springing out of B. springing up C. sprung up D. sprung on 11. Most people were fast asleep when the hurricane ____ at 4:05 pm. A. stuck B. striked C. stricken D. struck 12. There is a ____ of vegetable garden behind the house. A. pane B. slip C. strip D. stripe 13.Young children do ____ a woman ____.

A. tie… up B. tie… down C. tie… in D. tie… off 14.Labor is cheap. Land is also available. ____ money, we can borrow from the bank. A. As from B. As for C. As of D. As against 精品文档


15.They looked out across the ____ water of lagoon.

A. shining B. gleaming C. shimmering D. blazing 16The ____ of wheat was caused by the draught.

A. scarcity B. scarcely C. scare D. scanty 17.Why was the tennis tournament ____? Bad weather, I suppose.

A. called off B. called back C. called on D. called up 18. Marking homework ____ a great deal of time.

A. takes away B. takes off C. takes up D. takes down 19. She caught the flu and ____ it on to her child.

A. past B. surpassed C. passes D. passed 20. Since glass dishes are ____, handle them carefully.

A. breaking B. breakable C. broken D. breakably 21. No one can ____ to waste so much time.

A. provide B. afford C. supply D. equip 22.Only a sound body can house a sound ____. A. brain B. head C. mind 23.It didn’t ____ to me that you would object.

A. recur B. incur C. occur D. concur 24. Many people like to watch ____ film.

A. a pleased B. a delighted C. an exciting D. an interested 25. The house was very quiet, ____ as it was on the side of a mountain. A. isolated B. isolating C. being isolated D. having been isolated 26. Having no money but ____ to know, Tom simply said he would go without dinner.

A. not to want anyone B. not wanting anyone C. wanted no one D. to want no one 27.Whatever ___ to that singer you used to like so much?

A. occurred B. took place C. happened D. was happened 28. Who is the authority ___ the subject? A. in B. of C. over D. on

29.The cheque was only ___ yesterday, so it hasn’t been cleared yet. A. deserted B. pledged C. deposited D. deprived 精品文档

D. wit


30.We have no rights to interfere ___ the internal affairs of other countries. A. in B. with C. against D. to

31. The US government threatened that it would ___ all its investment from that country if the country didn’t reduce the custom duties.

A. take B. move C. withdraw D. draw 32. “Anne acts quite unfriendly.” “I think she’s _____ unfriendly.”

A. more shy than B. shyer than C. more shyer than D. shy more than

33. I’d ___ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.

A. take into account B. account for C. make up for D. make out

34. The company director decided to ask the government to __ in the dispute and prevent a strike. A. interact B. interrupt C. interfere D. intervene

35. In no country ___ Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day.

A. other than B. more than C. better than D. rather than 36. Melting snow ___ the regular spring floods in this area.

A. shelters from B. accounts for C. consists in D. brings forth

37. He is a responsible man. He never puts his family____although he is adventuresome. A. in the risk B.at the risk C.in risk D.at risk 38. You ___ him so closely; you should have kept your distance. A. shouldn’t follow B.mustn’t follow

C.couldn’t have been following D.shouldn’t have been following 39. When we reached the pier, the ferry had not arrived, so we ___. A. needn’t have hurried B. needed not worry C. didn’t need to hurry D. need not to have worried

40. —Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. —______. A. I don't B.I won't C.I can't D.I haven't

41. In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid____.

A.from being beaten B.being beaten C.beating D.to be beaten 精品文档

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