
Born to win



52.Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should 1)describe the picture briefly 2)interpret the meaning, and 3)give your comments.

Write your answer neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points)



Born to win



How concise but thought-provoking the picture is! What is clearly depicted in the picture is that a boy,sitting in front of a computer, is selecting courses through the system of selecting courses, who takes a considerable number of factors into consideration ,which include the emphasis of innovation, the updating of knowledge and the level of difficulty as well as the scoring, the qualified rate and burden of assignment. Apparently,it is how to make the best courses for college students that is what the author intends to convey to us.

It is not uncommon to find that with the development of society and

economy,the competition is becoming increasingly intense and the updating of knowledge is getting quicker and quicker.Though some courses are easy to learn and get high scores ,it may be out of date.In addition,it has been universally acknowledged that the awareness of innovation will not only be beneficial to our personal growth and success but also contribute to the development and progress of society and economy,which is the most essential qualification that anyone who wants to achieve success should possess.Consequently,the courses stressing innovation should be chosen.Furthermore, the way to success is full of obstacles and hardships. Anyone who is eager to get successful must realize that there is no shortcut to success at all because all achievements come from laborious trial and effort. Accordingly ,young students are supposed to choose some courses with great difficulties to improve their abilities.

After what we have discussed above,we can reasonably come to the conclusion that whatever the prospect is,however difficult the situation is,we,young students, should have the courage to face difficulties,be willing to absorb new knowledge and cultivate the consciousness of innovation.I am strongly convinced that only by doing

Born to win

so,can our promising future be guaranteed.

作者:陈正康 来源:跨考教育

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