
12.A.yet C.also

B.even D.still

解析 B 根据该句中的her victims had to admit和that she was good可知,甚至(even)她的“受害人”也不得不承认她是优秀的,故选B项。

13.A.guiltily C.merrily

B.approvingly D.unwillingly

解析 D 根据该句中的her victims had to admit和that she was good可以判断,她的“受害人”也不情愿地(unwillingly)承认她是优秀的,故选D项。

14.A.performance C.magic

B.trick D.idea

解析 A 根据上文中的admit, __13__, that she was good可知,她的“受害人”也承认她的识别技术很好;结合该句语境可知,她的最好表现(performance)是一个晚上她说马的前蹄受伤了,故选A项。

15.A.tied C.injured

B.lost D.stolen

解析 C 根据下文中的that its hoof(蹄) had a split可知,马的蹄部有一个裂口;据此可知,她说马的前蹄受伤(injure)了,故选C项。

16.A.safely C.hardly

B.extremely D.perfectly

解析 D 根据下文中的that its hoof(蹄) had a split可知,马的蹄部有一个裂口;结合该句Her father said the horse was ____16____ fine可以判断,她的父亲与她的观点相反,认为马的健康状况非常(perfectly)好,故选D项。

17.A.doubted C.insisted

B.wondered D.discovered

解析 C 根据该句Sarah ____17____ that its hoof(蹄) had a split并结合上句可知,萨拉坚持(insist)说马的蹄部有一个裂口,故选C项。

18.A.inspected C.treated

B.split D.fastened

解析 A 根据上句可知,萨拉坚持说马的蹄部有一个裂口,结合该句的内容可以判断,萨拉的父亲检查(inspect)了马的蹄部,故选A项。

19.A.lying C.right

B.joking D.crazy

解析 C 根据下文的The hoof is split. How did you know可知,萨拉的父亲知道了马的前蹄确实受伤了,故该句应为:你是正确的(right),故选C项。


20.A.boots C.jumps

B.tracks D.hoofs

解析 B 根据下文的Look, it's plain in the sand可以判断,该句句意:你可以从马的足迹(track)看到那个裂口,故选B项。

Ⅲ.短文改错 Dear Editor,

∧ worried①

I'm the only daughter of my parents. So they are / about everything

worryI do. For example, when I ride my bike, my parents won't let me ride by myself. They are afraid I might fall off from my bike and hurt myself. They are taking great trouble to support

a③ carried④

bike, with my mother even a first-aid box. thecarrying


I'm not free to ride and I often say , “Why not let me ride alone?” Now,


family⑥ our⑦

have only one child. Parents want to do everything for



love from parents may prevent much

children. This does no good to them. Too

∧ ⑨

children from beingindependent. In my opinion, parents should let their children that⑩do they should do alone.


Yours, Li Hua

① 解析 be worried about=worry about,意为“担心”。 ② 解析 fall off跌落,从……摔下,其后直接跟宾语。 ③ 解析 特指上文提到的自行车。

④ 解析 此处是with复合结构,my mother与carry是主谓关系,故用现在分词形式表示主动。

⑤ 解析 副词作状语修饰动词say。

⑥ 解析 most修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,family为可数名词,故用复数形式。 ⑦ 解析 此处的意思是:父母想要为他们的孩子做所有事情。与下文语态保持一致。 ⑧ 解析 love为不可数名词,用too much修饰。

⑨ 解析 prevent…from doing…阻止……做……,为固定搭配。 ⑩ 解析 此处what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作do的宾语。


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