

Unit1 How can we become good learners


1. --- How do you learn English words? --- making flashcards. A. To B. By C. For D. With

2. --- How do you study for a test? --- working with friends. A. By B. With C. On D. At

3. --- Could you lend me your dictionary? I want to the new word. --- Sure. Here you are.

A. look out A. compare with C. pay attention to A. found A. if A. such; that

B. look up C. look at B. look forward to D. try out

D. look after

4. When you visit a museum you should the instructions and don't be against them. 5. The scientists haven't there was life on Mars. B. found out B. while B. too; to

C. looked for C. though C. so; that

D. discovered D. since D. enough; to

6. David didn't give up he had failed in the experiment four times. 7. She went there early she got a good seat. 8. --- Mrs. Li, will you be angry your students don't obey the rules in class? --- A little. But I will stop them in a friendly way.

A. if A. because A. remember

B. unless B. although B. to remember

C. until

C. though

D. unless D. remembers

9. The family had to stay at the hotel, it was raining hard. 10. It is important these words. C. remembering

11. --- How do you study English?

--- I study English talking with foreign students.

A. by B. in C. at D. on

12. --- Dad, look at the building. It is on fire. --- Call 119 mobile phone right now.

A. in

A. look at them C. look them up

B. by C. on

B. look for them D. look them over

D. with

13. Don't be afraid of new words. You can in the dictionary. 14. Did you pay attention to the teacher? 1


A. listen to B. listening to C. listen D. look

15. --- Did you know who tea? --- The emperor Shennong did.

A. found A. Though; but A. so; that

B. discovered B. Because; so B. such; that

C. found out C. Because; / C. so; as

D. invent D. Though; / D. too; to

16. Switzerland is very small, it is the land of watch and it is very rich. 17. The camera is expensive I can't afford it. 18. --- Good news! There will be a concert tonight.

--- Really? Yang Kun comes to sing one song, I'll be very excited.

A. Unless A. but

A. That; to swim C. It; standing

B. If B. because

C. Before C. though B. It; to swim D. That; standing

D. Until D. until

19. Tony never spends money in buying books he doesn't like reading. 20. is easy for the boy in the river. 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)

21. Our country has done something to stop population i . 22. Let me tell you a saying: K is power(力量).

23. The students r the story many times until they can tell the story naturally. 24. Did you know who f (发现) America?

25. If you want to learn English well, please read a every morning. It really helps a lot. 26. Our English teacher's p is good, so we can understand her well. 27. The e on her face shows she is happy. 28. Every host country c its own slogan. 29. He often takes an a part in the sports meeting and he can get very good results each time. 30. The car runs at a s of 110 kilometres an hour. 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)

31. The population continues to (增加;增长). 32. I think (知识) is more important than money.

33. My parrot is clever enough to learn to (重复) the words I say. 34. Chinese people were the first to (发现) the South China Sea. 35. Goodness me! Your (发音) is very good. 36. (物理) is my favourite subject.

37. Reading (出声) is a good way of learning English.

38. The nurse looked after so many (病人) but she felt very happy.

39. That's my grandmother. She is 84. You wouldn't believe how (活跃的) she is! 40. The boy lost his (能力) to walk when he was five years old.




41. 课堂上你应该注意听讲。

You should to listening to the teacher in class. 42. 你可以在字典上查这个生词。(词数不限) You can the new word in the dictionary. 43. 它是十多年前在苏格兰通过克隆被创造出来的。

She was created cloning ten years ago in Scotland. 44. 我学会了使用筷子,而且他们正在教我一些汉语。

I chopsticks, and they're teaching me a little Chinese. 45. 她让自己的孩子单独呆着,以此惩罚他。 She punished her child . 五、完形填空(共10小题;共15分)

Learning English is not easy. Almost every student sometimes 46 questions like these: Can I really learn English well? Can I really learn it well to communicate with others? If you are learning English, you may come across the 47 question. The answer is yes. According to some studies you will find it isn't as 48 as you think. Almost anyone can learn a foreign language 49 he or she wants to. Some might learn it faster and some slower. But with the 50 ways and attitude, almost anyone can make it. Successful English learners 51 have positive attitude towards their studies. They don't wait for the chance to use English; instead, they try their best to 52 one. They don't miss every chance that they can use it. For example, they are not 53 making mistakes in front of others. They must know everyone may make mistakes sometimes. They 54 talking with people even in broken English, singing English songs or watching movies, even though they may not 55 the idea completely(完全地). They like to read simple stories or newspaper reports and try to guess the meaning all the time. They set goals(目标) and try to achieve them. The most important thing is that they never give up.

46. A. tries 47. A. fast 48. A. easy 49. A. before 50. A. funny 51. A. usually 52. A. miss 53. A. proud of 54. A. stop 55. A. take

B. asks B. bad B. difficult B. after B. smart B. never B. lose B. afraid of B. need B. remember

C. answers C. new C. much C. as C. right C. sometimes C. find C. sorry for C. enjoy C. forget

D. reports D. same D. little D. if D. possible D. seldom D. choose D. pleased with D. hate D. get





First Frenchman: I once heard someone shout, “Look out.” I put my head out of a window and a bucket(桶) of water fell on me. It seems that “Look out” may mean “Don't look out.”

Second Frenchman: I was once on a ship and heard the captain shout, “All hands on deck(甲板). I put my hands on the deck and someone walked on them.”

Third Frenchman: I once went early in the morning to the doctor's and his nurse came to the door and said, “He's not up yet. Come back in half an hour.” When I went a second time for him, she said, “He's not down yet.” I had to go away again. Later I thought the doctor should be in the house in the evening, so I went there once more. “Oh, how sorry I am! He's not in! I'd better tell him to wait for you if you could come tomorrow.” said the nurse. “Well! He's not up, he is not down, and he is not in. Please tell me where he stays!” I said angrily.

56. When the first Frenchman heard someone shout “Look out.”, here “Look out” means “ ”.

A. Put your head out C. Hurry up

A. to put your both hands on deck B. to put up your hands C. to give your hands to me

D. that “All the sailors(船员) on deck” A. he has not stood up yet B. he has not yet got up C. he has not woken up yet D. he has not yet come downstairs A. was still in an upstairs room C. was having his breakfast A. Three Frenchmen C. What a Language!

B. Take care D. Help me

57. When the captain shouted, “All hands on deck.”, what he meant is . 58. When the nurse said, “He's not up yet.”, she meant that . 59. When the third Frenchman went back for the second time, the doctor . B. was reading D. was washing himself B. Three French Stories D. The English Language

60. Which do you think is the best title(标题) for the passage?



Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with the above sentences. For them, learning a language is a very difficult task. They need hundreds of hours to study and practise, and that will not guarantee success for every adult language learner. Language learning is different from other kinds of learning. Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find it difficult to succeed in language learning. However, some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields.


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