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乍一看,感觉好难,该从哪儿下手呢?有点找不着北的节奏。& ldquo ;柴米油盐、& ldquo ;酒色财气这是要翻译出各自对等的事物么?那么该怎么翻译呢?给你两个译文版本,你来选择哪个更牛: 译文一

It is hardly possible , if not impossible , for common folks to

follow their mind while living in such a hectic , materialistic world where one struggles to meet subsistence needs while fighting off sensual temptations and deals with a perplexing mix of lofty aspirations and worldly distractions . 译文二

We ordinary people , living in a utilitarian - oriented society , rush about all day long , vexed by daily necessities like fuel , rice , cooking oil and salt , and tempted by cardinal vices such as wine , women , avarice and pride . What an immense difficulty to follow our hearts & rsquo ; desire in the face of conflicts between pursuits and cares . 专家点评:

1. 该句第一眼看去似乎难以驾驭,但是如果抓到句子的核心信息,做到轻重有别就不难处理了。认真分析后会发现句子的核心是& ldquo ;吾辈凡夫在这个社会里想要做到从心所欲很难,前面的信息都是说明功利社会的,属于事实背景部分,一般要放在从句或插入成分中。这样,分清主次后才能开始构思句子的搭建。

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