

班级: 姓名: 家长签名: 等级:

一、判断下列划线部分的发音,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。 1、( )swim swing 2、( )grandpa train 3、( )slow black 4、( )friends fruit 二、英汉互译。

1、通过 _______ 2、在....顶部 _______ 3、度假 _______ 4、玩得高兴 _______ 5、擅长 _______ 6、在3月8日_______ 7、turn off _______ 8、each other _______

9、run away _______ 10、enjoy the sunshine _______ 三、单项选择题。

( )1、what_______Alice_______in the bedroom?

A.does doing B.is doing C.do does

( )2、They are _______the top_______Green Hill.

A.at of B. in of C.on of

( )3、_______peter and Joe swimming in the sea ? A.Is B.Are C.am

( )4、Look! The boys are_______in the sea.

A.swim B.swimming C.swiming ( )5、The Teachers′ Day is _______September 10th . A.in B.on C.at

( )6、We are in _______classes,I′m in Class One,Tom in Five. .

A. the same. B.the different. C.different ( )7、My father often writes _______email _______me. A.a to B.an with C.an to

( )8、I _______to school by bus .Joe_______to school by bus too. A.go,go. B.goes,go C.go,goes ( )9、I am afraid_______snakes. A.in B.for C.of

( )10、“I don′t know”, _______Oliver.

A.answer B .say C. answers 四、情景选择:

1、Is Paul collecting shells ? ─────── A. Yes,he is. B . No,she isn't . C .Yes he does . 2、What is he doing ? ──────

A. He reads books. B . He's reading books. C. I am drawing . 3、Are Mr and Mrs Brown talking ? ───────

A . Yes,they are . B .Yes,they don't . C . No , they are .



1. Hill ,at ,you, the, of, can ,diamond ,a ,find ,top ,Green (.) __________________________________________ 2. jumps ,Alice ,too, into ,hole, the (.)

__________________________________________ 3.it, to, Australia ,going ,is (?)

__________________________________________ 4. Mrs, shells, and ,collecting ,Brown ,are ,Paul (.) __________________________________________

5.TV, the ,evening ,I ,watch ,usually, parents, my, in ,with (.) __________________________________________ 6.am ,I ,the, homework ,bedroom ,my, doing ,in (.) __________________________________________ 7.people, we, like, both, helping (.)

__________________________________________ 8.do ,you, how, to ,school ,come (?)



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1.She can not get _______ the door.

2. _______peter and Jill like playing basketball? 3. They are swimming _______the sea. 4. I′m _______ a letter to my mother.

5. _______Alice enjoying the sunshine at the beach? 6. The rabbit jumps _______a big hole.


It is a fine Sunday morning. Ann and her mother are on a big bus. There are many people on it. Some of them come from America, and some come from England and others come from Japan. They are all their friends. They are going to the Great Wall. There are two Chinese on the bus. One is a woman. She is driving the bus. The other is a young man. He speaks good English. He is now talking about the Great Wall. The other people are all listening to him. They like the Great Wall. They want to see it very much.


( )1. Ann and her mother are on a big bus on Monday. ( )2. A lot of people are going with them.

( )3. Many friends from America, England and Japan are on the bus. ( )4. They want to see the Great Wall. ( )5. The bus driver is a young man.

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