


Unit One

1. McDonald’s in China is organized in a Chinese way, and American movies are in varying Chinese accents to reflect Chinese perceptions of the message being delivered.

A. limited B. dubbed C. transformed D. represented

2. More and more issues are internationally, including regulations and practices——ranging from pharmaceutical testing to accounting and product standards to banking regulation.

A. at large B. off-the-wall C. sure-footed D. up for grabs

3. Effective strategies will have to appeal to elites’ perceptions of their self-interests. Appeals to or to concepts of equality or global welfare are unlikely to be sufficient.

A. altruism B. fundamentalism C. Marxism D. consumerism 4. Practices that are accepted in one period become downgraded or even in a later period because of evolution. Changed views of slavery or colonialism are examples.

A. illegitimate B. obsolete C. weird D. paradoxical

5. Public university systems are ruled over by government-run higher education boards. They financial requests and budget proposals and then allocate funds for each university in the system.

A. revitalize B. renew C. review D. revise

6. The peoples of the U. S. mainland, including Alaska Natives, are believed to have migrated Asia, beginning between 12000 and 40000 years ago. A. ingenious B. indigenous C. insightful D. insidious

7. Fast food consumption has sparked health concerns. During the 1980s and 1990s, Americans’ caloric intake rose 24%; dining at fast food outlets is associated with what public health officials call the American “obesity epidemic.” A. oily B. generous C. unnecessary D. frequent

8. Wealth, like income, is highly : The richest 10% of the adult population possesses 69.8% of the country’s household wealth, the second-highest share among developed nations.

A. condensed B. concerted C. concentrated D. conductive

9. Puppies shouldn’t be separated from the rest of their litter for adoption before 2 months of age. A new study that advice, showing that puppies removed from their broods earlier were more likely to develop behavioral problems as adult dogs. A. contains B. configures C. corroborates D. CONTRACTS

10. It is inevitable that working moms will need to on some aspects of the way they approach their career or their parenting- or both.

A. compromise B. confess C. coordinate D. configure Unit two

1. The exaggerated and reliance on the research of Piaget has encouraged teachers to have low expectations concerning children abilities. A. confounded B. disgraced C. misplaced D. frustrated

2. John said that the richer countries of the World should make a effort to help the poorer countries.

A. futile B. glittering C. frantic D. concentrated

3. He is absolutely right to be scornful of the pretentious organizational plans that often science policy in certain countries.

A. Pass for B. pass down C. pass up D. pass by

4. Production targets are set for each branch, and branch managers who don’t usually don’t last.

A. take up B. measure up C. wind up D. Size up

5. Such an approach forces managers to communicate with one another and helps rigid departmental boundaries.

A. pass over B. stand for C. break down D. set off

6. According to legal provisions, the properties will either the original owner or else be sold at auction

A. commit to B take to C. proceed to D. revert to

7. To everyone’s surprise, the woman candidate from a small party the poll in the first round of voting. A. eclipsed B. outshined C. topped D. deprived

8. The protest went ahead despite government assurances that they would press for with the neighboring country in the issuing of visas. A. reciprocity B. show-off C. payoff D. intimacy

9. As a teenager, I was by passion for a film star I would never meet. A. pursued B. seduced C. consumed D. guaranteed

10. It was a really wonderful occasion which we will for many years to come. A. discount B. acquit C. cherish D. blur Unit three

1. The problem is inherent and in any democracy, but it has been more severe in ours during the past quarter-century because of the near universal denigration of government, politics and politicians.

A. perishable B. periodical C. perverse D. perennial 2. The last-moving tide sometimes surprises swimmers. A. attentive B. unwary C. cautious D. sophisticated 3. The economy has all other issues during the election campaign. A. eclipsed B. surpassed C. exceeded D. highlighted 4. The company’s stock is being by many financial advisers. A. examined B. slammed C. exaggerated D. touted

5. While there are American operas galore, some of which are quite good indeed, there is no opera tradition in America-instead, we have musical comedy. A. noticeable B. formal C. vernacular D. representative 6. A(n) beauty descends upon the canyon as the sun begins to set. A. unspeakable B. ineffable C. dubious D. undeniable 7. He lived a life, working at the paper mill and living in his trailer. A. pedestrian B. extraordinary C. engaging D. intriguing

8. The wall of the church was with the names of the dead from the Great War. A. described B. prescribed C. inscribed D. ascribed

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