
Unit 6 Entertainment and Friendship

Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.

Section A

Ⅰ. Material analysis

本课是九年级第六单元第一个话题的第一课时,主活动为1a和4,以Michael与康康关于中国象棋的对话开始,通过对个人爱好的谈论引出关于电视节目的中心话题,讨论了各类电视节目以及不同节目形式的内容,在谈论的同时表达各自不同的偏好和爱好。我们将学习用prefer和would rather ...than...等句型来准确地描绘自己偏好的电视节目。通过本课的学习,学生将进一步认识到听前预览的重要性,提高自己的听说技能,敢于用英语表达自己对电视节目的不同看法。 Ⅱ.Teaching aims

1. Knowledge aims: 1)Word and phrases:

actress, would rather…than…, ending 2)Grammar:

掌握prefer 和 would rather... than...句型。

2. Skill aims:

1)能听懂有关电视节目的对话,并能够提取有用信息; 2)能用英语谈论一些电视节目。 3. Emotional aims:

1)敢于用英语表达对电视节目的不同看法。 2)了解几部著名的科幻影片。

4. Learning strategies


2)学会有效地进行听前预览,预测要听到的对话的内容。 Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points

1. Words and phrases:

actress, would rather...than...,ending

2. Sentences:

1) I hear that you can play Chinese chess very well.

2) In my spare time, I prefer watching TV, especially TV plays. 3) —I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. —So would I.

4) —Which kind of program do you prefer, TV plays or sports shows? —I prefer sports shows.

Ⅳ. Teaching aids

多媒体课件,电影《阿凡达》、《泰坦尼克号》《李小龙》《憨豆先生》的图片,纪录片《迁徙的鸟》和卡通片《大闹天宫》的片断。 Ⅴ. Teaching procedures

Stage (time period) Getting students 1 ready for learning Class activity (3-5 mins) Interaction patterns Teacher activity 1.Greeting. Student activity Students act out their own conversations Remarks 2.Ask students to talk about about what they often do in their spare what they often do in their spare time. Introduce what activities they like time. better. 讨论学生喜爱的业余活动来激发学生的兴趣。 Lead to the revision: ask them to Ask and answer about what TV program ask and answer about what TV they like better. 2 Revision (3 mins) Pair work program they like better. Example: A: What TV program do you like better? B: I like ... I prefer… 用熟悉的表达喜爱的方式引出本课的重点句型。

Play some videos about different Watch the video about different TV Pre-listening (3 mins) 教师也可口头介TV programs, or show some programs, and know something about 绍各类电视节目,让学Class activity pictures about them, and introduce them. different TV programs in brief. 生对要听到的内容有一定了解,唤起他们求知的欲望。 1. Show the table of 1b, and ask 1. Read through the table before 1.做好听前预览是3 students to read through the listening. And try to guess some words 完成听力任务的保障。 4 While-listening (5 mins) Individual work table. they will fill in. 2.提醒学生做好2. Play the record of the 2. Listen to the conversation and write conversation. Guide students to down the answers or the capital letters 记录。 listen and note. of the words. 提醒学生:电视节目的首字母要用大写。 1.Organize students to check the 1.Report the answers. 5 Post-listening (15 mins) Class activity answers. 2.Play the flash of 1a. 2.Watch the flash of 1a, and mark something important and difficult.

1.Ask students to discuss the key 1.Students discuss in groups to and difficult points in groups. understand the conversation further in groups. 听力任务完成2.Point out the key and difficult 2.Note the key and difficult points. points. 3.Organize students to retell the 3.Retell the main information of 1a based main information of 1a based on on the conversation of 1a. the conversation of 1a. Group work 4.Ask students to talk about the 4.Talk about the phrases of 2a and guess phrases of 2a and guess the the Chinese meanings. Chinese meanings. 5.Ask students to make a 5.Make a conversation about their favorite conversation about their favorite programs with group members, using 后,学生可以结合课programs with partners, using the TV programs in 2a. the TV programs in 2a. 本上提供的有效信息进行讨论,从而达到听和说的结合,彼此相互促进。

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