


一. 从四个选项中选出不同类的一项。

( )1. A. east B. west C. south D、in ( )2. A. took B. saw C. Leave D、did ( )3. A. cheaper B. longest C. largest D、hottest ( )4. A. stone B. grass C. water D、home ( )5. A. train B. write C. bus D subway ( )6. A. there B. Where C. weather D、here ( )7. A. city B. Town C. school D、province ( )8. A. fruit B. find C. food D、vegetables 二. 根据汉语意思的提示,找出下列单词正确的拼写形式。 ( )1.n_ _th A. ar B. or C. ou D、in ( )2.st n A. o,m B. m,m C. m,n D、o,n ( )3.war i s A. i,er B.o,er C. r.or D、r.er ( )4. c ves A. a B.e C. c D、d ( )5. s_ _k A. i,o B. i,l C. a,l D、a,o 三.词性转换

1.Big (最高级) 2.tall (最高级) 3.long(最高级) 4.see(过去式) 5.came(原型) 6.left(原型) 7.tell(过去式) 8.take(过去式) 9. large (最高级) 10.cheap(比较级) 精选高中小试卷案,为您推荐下载!




1.it’s one of the (big) cities in the world. 2. They are good at (sing )and (dance) 3.they are usually much (cheap)than other place 4. It is (以……而著名)grapes. 5.it’s (three) hottest city in the world.

6.China has the (最大的) population in the world. 三.补全句子


It ’s in Heilongjiang province. It ’s in t of China. 2.暑假你去了哪里?

Where did you go ? 3.西藏以什么闻名?

What is Tibet ? 4.它以布达拉宫而闻名。

It ’s 。 5.西安以兵马俑闻名 It ’s . 6.那里的人很友好还很勤劳。

People there are and 7.在中国还有其他55个少数民族。 There are in China.





My mother visit China this spring. 四.英汉互译

1 长城 2紫禁城

3 颐和园 4拍一些照片 5 暑假 6 最大的广场 7 西湖 8 第三大国 9 最多人口 10上千名游客 11 在午夜 12. 一位老智者 13 从那天起 14 害怕 15. 少林寺 16.黄山 17.雪山 18.兵马俑 19.莫高窟 20.中国茶


Long ago the monster (live) in China.He often (come)to small villages just before New Year, (eat) animal and people. Everyone (is) very afraid of him. They (take) all their things and (run) to the mountains. An old man came. He (says) to an old women . He (want) to scare the monster away. Everyone (tell) the old man to go. The old man (stay). At midnight the monster (see) the women’s house . He (tremble) with fear. He (hate)the color red. He looked inside the house .the old man (see)



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