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[摘要] 目的 探讨肝淤血二维及彩色多普勒超声表现,为临床治疗右心衰疗效评价提供理论依据。 方法 回顾232例肝淤血患者的声像图进行分析。 结果 232例淤血性肝脏患者中97例为早期淤血性肝脏,占41.8%。声像图表现为肝脏各径线测值均增大,左肝厚度≥6.0cm,右肝最大斜径≥14cm,肝实质回声稍有减弱,肝静脉内径增宽1.0cm左右。135例有淤血性肝硬化,占58.2%。其中100例为75岁以上患者,占74.1%。声像图表现肝脏测值相应减小,右肝减小明显,肝表面比较光滑或偶有细结节状突起,肝实质回声增强增多,肝静脉各支显著增宽、扩张。232例患者中,合并腹水患者49例,占21.1%,合并胸水患者55例,占23.7%,合并胸、腹水患者45例,占19.4%,同时合并有胸水、腹水及心包积液患者25例,占10.8%。 结论 超声对淤血性肝脏病变的诊断符合率较高,且能与其他肝脏弥漫性病变相鉴别,对临床治疗方案选择及疗效评价有实用意义。 [关键词] 肝淤血;声像图;分析

[中图分类号] R575;R445.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)10-114-03 [Abstract] Objective To study the sonograms of 232 patients with liver congestion. To provide theoretical basis for clinical effect assessment of right heart failure. Methods Review of 232 patients with liver blood for analysis. Results 97 patients in 232 were early hemorrhagic liver, accounting for 41.8%. Ultrasonographic findings of hepatic each diameter line measurements were increased, and the thickness of the left hepatic acuity was 6.0㎝, maximum oblique diameter was 14cm greater, the right liver liver parenchyma echo weakened slightly, hepatic vein around 1.0cm wide diameter. With silt hemorrhagic cirrhosis of the liver, 135 cases(58.2%).100 cases of 75 aged patients, accounting for 74.1%.Ultrasonographic performance measurements corresponding decreases, and the liver decreased obviously, the right liver liver surface was smooth and fine nodular or occasional bumps, hepatic parenchymal echogenicity increased, hepatic vein each significant broadening, expansion.232 cases of patients, 49 cases of patients with ascites (21.1%), merger, 55 patients with pleural effusion(23.7%), merger, 45 patients with ascites combined pleural effusion, acc

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