译林小学英语四年级上4A U8 How are you蓝天杯优秀教案

4A Unit8 How are you Story第1课时 教学设计

一、 课题内容

小学英语四年级下册 Unit8 How are you Story第1课时

二、 教材简解

本单元的主要话题和功能是谈论illnesses和making a phone call,本课story部分

以打电话的形式呈现了老师对学生身体健康状况的询问和关系,Yang Ling生病在家并两次与Miss Li通电话。第一个电话是Yang Ling打给Miss Li的,告知老师自己生病了,不能去上学。第二个电话是Miss Li打给Yang Ling的,询问病情。在句型教学方面可以结合学生已有的语言知识4A Unit7 What’s the matter中的内容进行新旧知识的衔接和整合。在目标词汇的教学中,教师口语借助身体语言,让教学更直观更有趣味。教师可根据实际需要,拓展疾病类词汇,使学生的语言表达更加丰富。

三、 目标预设

(1)能听懂、会说,会读句型: This is…speaking. May I speak to…? I’m sorry to hear that. How are you? I’m fine, thank you. See you tomorrow. See you. (2)能听懂、会说,会读词汇:come to school, cold, fever, cough, headache. (3)能听懂、会说,会读,会写:may,hear, take care, at school. (4)能力目标:能用英语打电话。 (5)情感目标:培养学生关心他人的品质。

四、 重点和难点

1.词汇:cough, headache, speak to

2.句型:能正确使用电话用语 This is…speaking. May I speak to…? 3.能在相应的情境中灵活运用打电话用语

五、 设计理念


六、 设计思路

1. 运用游戏和歌曲激活学生旧知,调动学生兴趣与课堂气氛

2. 角色扮演教授目标词汇和句型。教师通过手偶等道具模拟看病情景,结合TPR让学生学习

词汇的认读并感知和理解How are you?的习惯问答用语。

3. 电话模拟游戏,操练习惯用语。学生将模拟电话号码写好交给老师,老师任意抽取并假装



4. 预设问题,阅读课文。用“看猜学读演”的步骤进行故事教学。

5. 思维拓展与情感提升。给学生拓展更多疾病的表达,创编对话以激活思维并内化表达,引


七、 教学过程。 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greeting

T: Good morning boys and girls. How are you? Is it cold today? 2.Quick response (Ring game)

PPT呈现词汇fine,happy,sad,hungry,thirsty,tired,ill等词汇或图片,穿插电话图片与铃声,学生迅速反应并读出相应单词,看到电话则做接打电话状说“Hello, hello”. 3.Sing a song

“Hello, hello, hello, how are you? I’m happy/sad/hungry/thirsty/tired/ill.”

Step 2: Presentation

手偶模拟医生与病人,导入新词并教授:cold, cough, fever, headache cold: I had a cold(感冒n.). /I feel cold(冷的adj.). cough: I had a cough. (teach with action做咳嗽状) fever:可出示温度计与降温贴

headache:head+ache扩展stomachache和toothache 2.电话模拟(Activity: Make a telephone call) 练习句型This is……speaking. May I speak to……?

T:Hello! This is……speaking. May I speak to……?How are you? S: I had a cold.

(转换角色,Ss call T/Ss)

S1:Hello. This is……speaking. May I speak to……?How are you? S2: I had a fever. Step 3: Learn the story 1.look and guess(看与猜):


2.watch and answer:看故事动画,并回答两个问题: Q1: Can Yang Ling come to school today? Q2: What’s the matter with her? 3.Learn the story:

(1)划出打电话用语。How do they talk on the telephone?


(2)如何表达遗憾与关心。I’m sorry to hear that.

(3) Yang Ling明天是否可以去学校。Can Yang Ling come to school tomorrow? 4.Read and find details(True OR False) Yang Ling has a cold and a fever.

Yang Ling can’t/can go to school today/tomorrow. Miss Li is sorry to hear that Yang Ling is ill. In the afternoon, Miss Li calls Yang Ling. Yang Ling can go to school tomorrow. Yang Ling is fine in the afternoon. Miss Li loves her students.

5.read after tape(tips: pay attention to the tone)

6.Happy reading (Group work): read together, read after one, read in roles. 7.Act the story

Step 4: Extension

1.Who else will call Yang Ling? 2.How do you greet others who is ill? 3.Make a phone call


1.Read the story with partner 2.Make a new phone call with others.


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