
1. 2. 3. 4.


班级: 姓名: 得分 :

Bob can play A. the ; the


tennis but can 't play

C、 the; / /;/

---Yes, but only C、 a lot

D、 lot

violin 、


/; the

--- Can you speak French? A、 a little Maybe you can A. in He can

B、 be in

B、 little

our school concert 、 C、 for

D、 be at


, so he wants to join the

B、 swims; swimming C、 swimming; swim D、 swim; swimming A. Swims; swim

5. your friend play the guitar? --- Yes, he

BC、 Can; can D、 Can; can't A. Do; do Is; is

my study 、 They are talking 6. my parents

B、 to; with D、 about; with C、 with; about A. With; to

summer 7. like to go swimming

B、 Children; in C、 A child; on D、 A child; in A. Children; on

dance? ---I can sing、 8. ---Can you sing

D、 then B、 or; C、 and A. But

9. -It ' s hard work to achieve a balance between schoolwork and hobbies


-So it is, but we have

to、 A、 a

B、 an C、 the

Tell me and I ' follrget 、 Show me and I

understand 、

BA、 can D、 will C、 must may

11. —Dad, must finish my homework today? — No, you You may do it


BDA、 needn ' mustn ' t don' won't

、 、 WeChat ? 12. Which do you prefer to use to keep in touch with your friends, QQ

A、 or B、 and C、 so D、 but 13 、 14


remember 、

D、 /

Let me try and I ' ll

my mother is good A、 at Can you play A、 /; on

old people 、 She talks to them and makes them happy 、

B、 for guitar at eight

C、 with

Saturday night?

D、 the; on

D、 of

B、 the; in C、 /; /


Ben usually goes A、 to home

the cat Don 't

16、 play anymore 、 BA、 with; at and; to 、 17Tommy is Chinese, but he can 、

B、 talk A、 speak

18 、 20 19 、、 21 、 22 、 23 、 24 、 25 、 26 、 27 、 28 、 29

at 5:30 p、

m、 B、 home

C、 at home It 's


with; for good English、 C、 say


D、 for home you to do the homework 、 D、 and; for


C、 in

D、 at

I think he can A、 be

our school music show 、 B、 be in

---Math is too difficult for me 、 What should I do? --Don 't worry 、 I can help you A、 on B、 at ---Do you enjoy your --Yeah, I think it 'sa great A、 job; work


work; job

work; work


works; work


C、 to

D、 with

--- _________ do you exercise? ---Four times a week 、 A、 How long

B、 How old

C、 How


How often

In South Korea, most students get to school A、 take a subway subway

I'm going fishing after I finish A、 to do It takes A、 much too

B、 to doing time to get

there 、

B、 many too


my homework 、、 doing



B、 on the subways

C、 by the subway

D、 by

C、 too much it


too many

It 's time for supper now 、 Let's A、 stop having

B、 stop to have C、 to stop to have

your school life?


How; of


stopping to have

do you think

A、 How; like

B、 What; of


What; about

It will take the men half a year A、 finish

B、 finishing

、 the work 、

C、 to finish

D、 finishes

In our school about two A、 hundred Jim has A、 a

students get to school by bike 、

B、 hundreds C、 hundreds



C、 no



D、 hundred of

B、 the

Our teacher often tells us _________ eat in the classroom 、


A、 not B、 don 't C、 never D、 not to


We often help the old man ________ 、 _ A、 to do some cleaning

B、 cleaned

C、 cleans

D、 cleaning


A、 Do; in Stop

____ 、 Listen to the teacher 、 33、 __________

_ you help me _ ________ my work?


B、 Can; with 、

Are; with

D、 Are; do

A、 talk

B、 to talk

_ wet umbrellas 、



D、 talking



A、 No B、 Not

35、 Don 't talk ________ eat in class 、


Don't D、 have to


A、 and

B、 or 、 so

D、 but

36、 Can you watch TV _____ ____ school nights?


A、 at B、 on D、 / 、 in

_________ 37、 I feel ____ after a

__________ vacation 、 A、 relaxing; relaxing B、 C、 relaxed; relaxing D 、 relax; relaxed; relaxed


38、 Remember _________ me this evening

A、 to call

B、 call

C、 to call

D、 calling

39、 --- Look, who 's the woman ___________ two children? ---Don't you know? It 's Mrs、 Brown、

A、 and




___ the day, but



D、 to

The koala sleeps__ A、 at; at



___ night he gets up and eats leaves 、 C


in; in

during; at

D、 at; during

People there are friendly

、 -

What do you


think of the people there, Cindy? --


A、 for 42

B、 to


D、 and

Mr ___ 、 Li is kind

us、 But sometimes he is kind _____ serious 、 B、 with, to

C、 of, to

D、 of, of

A、 to, of

43、 Where _____ lions ______ ?

A、 does, from from

44、 This term the teacher wants to have some change; he hopes his students will have fun

B、 do, come from C、 is, from D、 are, come


A、 learn

B、 to learn C、 learns


45、 There are _____ 1000 students in our school 、

A、 on

B、 more

C、 over

D、 many

46、 We are in the classroom; please _____ quiet 、

A、 be

B、 is C、 are D、 am

47、 --- What can Tony do? --- He can ________ the guitar 、

A、 is playing B、 playing

C、 plays

D、 play

48、 Let's _____ to the movies 、 --- That ____ great 、 A 、 going, sounding sounding

B、 go, sounds C、 go, sound D、 going, is

49、 ---What 's Cindy doing? --- _____ 、 She is _____ with her friends 、 ANothing much; plays guitars B、 Yes; playing the volleyball

、C 、

No; looking photos

D、 Nothing much; eating dinner

50、 Look, some birds ___ ___ the big tree 、 AB、 are sing on are singing in

C、 singing in D 、 is

singing on 51--- Are you listening and writing? --- ________ 、

B、 I'm not writing、

Yes, I do A、 I'm listening C

52John's parents 、 ____ to work _____ 7:00___ ___ the morning 、

、 _ B、 go; in; in

D、 No, I'm not

A、 goes; at; in 53


go; in; at

D、 go; at; in

Jenny is ____

_ a great shirt today 、

D、 wear

A 、 putting on B、 wearing C、 put on 54Tom often _ TV in the evening 、 He's _____ TV now 、 、 ______________

A、 watches; watches

B、 watching; watching

C、 watches; watching

D、 watching; watches

55、 On the wall there are two pictures 、 ______ is Tom's and ______ is Mary 's、

BOne; other DC、 One; the other One; one One; others A、 56、 What _______ your mother do when it 's__


A、 do; rainy

_____ 57、 It

today 、 's

A、 cloud; rain

C、 does; is raining does; raining

I think it 's going to __ 、 ____________________ BC、 cloudy; rain cloudy; raining


、 、

do; raining

D、 cloudy; rainy

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