外研版(一起)二年级英语下册教案Module 3 Unit 1 Sam isn't tidying his room.教案1

Module 3

Unit1 Sam isn’t tidying his room.


一、 教学目标

1.能够听懂,会说并且认识单词do, homework, tidy, room, secret, card;学会运用词组do one’s homework,tidy one’s room

2. 学会运用somebody isn’t …ing 来表达某人没有在做某件事情以及is he/she …ing来询问某人是否在做某件事情。


二、 教学重难点

1. Key words: tidy room homework secret card.

2. Help students grasp the key sentences: Sam isn't tidying his room. Is he doing his homework?

No, he isn't.

三、 课前准备

(1)上网搜索本节课要用到的网络图片,如:英语的生日贺卡 (2)找好相关的歌曲视频

(3)做好教具准备:玩具小汽车,耳机,单词卡片,Sam Amy Smart的头饰,录音机,课堂教学课件


Step1: Warming-up 1、 Greeting

2、 唱一首英文歌曲:I'm listening to music.

First, the teacher and the students sing the song together with the tape. At the second time we add some actions to the song.

师生一起唱英文歌曲,并且附上简单的身体手势动作,渲染课堂的英语学习气氛,引导学生快速进入英语学习状态。 3.Game: 火眼金睛


playing football watching TV playing with his train reading a book listening to music doing my homework

(在屏幕上依次快速展现这些词语,每个词组大约停留一两秒钟,让学生保持高度的注意力来迅速识记单词,小组比赛看谁最先准确说出来。) Step2:lead-in 导入(做一做,说一说)

Today Sam also comes to our classroom. Where’s him? The teacher puts Sam’s head ornament and asks Sam to act in front of the classroom according to the hints written on a small card. Then the teacher asks other students what he is doing? (He’s playing football/reading a book/listening to the radio/playing with his car.) But in our text, what’s Sam doing? Is he reading? Now, let's listen and learn module 3 unit 1 Sam isn’t tidying his room. (教师告诉学生今天Sam 来到了我们的教室,顺便把Sam的头饰戴在一个同学的头上,请他到教室的前面来根据卡片提示做一组动作,其他同学用第三人称的He’s …ing来表达。) Step3: Listening& reading Activities 1、listen to the tape and answer two questions: Q1: Is Sam tidying his room? Yes or No Q2: What is he doing?

(第一遍带着两个简单的问题来听录音,整体感知课文。) 2、Listen again and read after the tape one sentence by one sentence.

(第二遍让学生跟随课本录音一句句地模仿标准的语音和语调,进行细细地精读课文并理解课文。) 3、The teacher gives some explanations about the text and have students read after the teacher. 课文讲析要点:

Picture1:Ms smart 叫Sam做两件事情,让学生思考分别是什么?在课文的情景语境中教授新单词homework,tidy和room。

Picture2:师生分角色朗读课文,假设老师就是Ms smart,学生是Amy和假设老师是Amy学生是Ms smart 分别对话朗读课文。

Picture3:教给学生模仿Ms smart 非常生气的样子来读质问Sam句子:Sam,what are you doing?教育学生要及时做作业,不然你的家长也会像Ms smart一样会很生气的。

Picture4:Ms smart误会Sam了。教师号召全班同学为Ms smart唱happy birthday这首歌。 Picture5:夸Sam 实际上是一个good boy,让学生独立思考自己要怎么做就能成为一个好孩子了?

Ask students to work in groups to read the text in roles and then act it out. Invite several groups to show.

小组合作分角色朗读课文,一人扮演Ms smart,一人扮演Amy,一人扮演Sam。然后教师请三个小组的同


学来到教室的前面,分别给他们带上Ms smart,Amy和Sam的头饰来进行朗读课文展示。 Step4: Consolidation

1. Show some pictures about somebody is doing something and let Ss use the sentence pattern “sb is doing sth” to describe each picture. The teacher lead them to describe sb isn’t doing sth.


2. Group work

Show the pictures on the screen and ask Ss to work in pairs to practice the negative forms: isn’t …ing.

3. Do the SB Activity Book

Make a dialogue with \


1. Review the new words and read them fluently.

2. Listen to the tape and try to recite the text.

He/She 3

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