Unit 1

There was a parking lot, remember? Every night we were disturbed by the noises made by all kinds of cars.
A: Then ... what about the food?
B: Not as bad as the hotel, but much more expensive than I thought.
A: Where did you go, Eiffel Tower, Louvre?
B: Yeah, we did go to some well-known places. But it kept raining last week and ... you know ... the weather ruined everything.
A: I'm sorry to hear that.
B: And the worst part is, I couldn't find my passport at the airport when we were about to go back to New York. Then I called the hotel and they found it in my room, under the pillow. That was the only good news I had in Paris.
A: Oh, dear. I can't believe it.


Section B

Directions: You will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 21 to 27 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 28 to 30 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. (20%)

Starting from Oregon, we continue south into California. People from Spain (21) the land in the 1700s.


Americans obtained California during the Mexican-American War in the (22) . Çë¸ù¾ÝÐèÒªÌîÈëScript£º

The discovery of (23) helped California join the United States in 1850.


Visitors like to ride the old cable cars (24) the hills of the city. They also like to see the Golden Gate Bridge. Çë¸ù¾ÝÐèÒªÌîÈëScript£º

And, when they get hungry, many go for the famous (25) here. Çë¸ù¾ÝÐèÒªÌîÈëScript£º

To the south of San Francisco is the area with a large number of (26) companies, known as Silicon Valley. Los Angeles lies in the farther south. Çë¸ù¾ÝÐèÒªÌîÈëScript£º

Many communities form the city and county of Los Angeles. One of them is Hollywood, the center of the film and television (27) .


(28) . Population researchers say the Los Angeles-Long Beach area has the third largest number of African-born people in the United States.


If we travel east, we will go to Arizona, which is known as the Grand Canyon State. Over time, the Colorado River cut through stone and rock to form the Grand Canyon (29) . Çë¸ù¾ÝÐèÒªÌîÈëScript£º

Millions of people come to see it every year. Arizona is a desert state. People once thought the land was worthless. (30) . Çë¸ù¾ÝÐèÒªÌîÈëScript£º

Çë¸ù¾ÝÐèÒªÌîÈëScript£º Section C

Directions: Listen to the 2 short passages and the questions at the end of each of them. Both the passages and the questions will be read ONLY ONCE. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. (20%)

Passage One

Questions (31) to (35) are based on the passage you have just heard.

31. _____ need preparations for a business travel. A. Only those having their first business travels B. Only those traveling less than once a month C. Both first-time travelers and experienced travelers D. All except very experienced travelers Çë¸ù¾ÝÐèÒªÌîÈëScript£º

32. What did the speaker do before traveling on a recent trip to New Haven? A. The speaker found information about restaurants. B. The speaker called some friends there. C. The speaker took pictures of the airport. D. The speaker booked the return ticket. Çë¸ù¾ÝÐèÒªÌîÈëScript£º

33. You should check the weather because _____. A. the trip will be cancelled if the weather is bad B. the weather on your return trip may be very different C. you cannot play if the weather is not good

D. you will have to stay a few more days if the weather is not good Çë¸ù¾ÝÐèÒªÌîÈëScript£º

34. Which is TRUE about a business trip? A. It is a great vacation.

B. It is a good opportunity to train yourself. C. It is not expensive. D. It is exhausting.


35. You can _____ with the free hours on a business trip. A. go to another city B. have a vacation C. go shopping

D. listen to music


Passage One
      If you are having your first business travel, you may feel excited, anxious, or even scared. Preparation is the key to success for any business traveler a€¡± whether you are an experienced traveler or beginner traveler. Here are my suggestions for preparing for any business trip.
      Before traveling, research your travel destination and take advantage of free time you may have. On a recent trip to New Haven, I had a few free hours to myself before my plane departed. Ahead of time, I researched a few good restaurants that I wanted to try. I downloaded a Yale walking tour to my cell phone so I could see the campus and take pictures. You may have friends or relatives close to your travel destination. Take their information in case you have an opportunity to see them. Often, business trips are too busy for you to do anything besides going to work, going to dinner, and sleeping. However, sometimes you may have delays or cancellations. You should also check the weather. It may be nice when you are departing for your trip. The weather on your return trip may be a whole other story.
       There are a few other things to keep in mind when you go on trips. Traveling on the company can be a great way to see the world. It's not a vacation. Business trips can be exhausting! If you are going on a trip for training, you will probably have a

few hours of free time each night. You can take this opportunity to know more people. Later you can go back to your hotel room to do work. You could also take advantage of sporting events, shows, or music in the area. With everything well planned, the business travel will be part of your sweet memory.


Passage Two

Questions (36) to (40) are based on the passage you have just heard.

36. What is the Bryce Canyon named after? A. A person. B. An animal. C. A god.

D. A river.


37. According to a story, _____ lived in the Bryce Canyon before the Indians. A. wild animals

B. the Legend People C. birds D. gods


38. When was Ebenezer Bryce born? A. In 1830. B. In 1845. C. In 1875.

D. In 1880.


39. Ebenezer Bryce moved to warmer climates because _____. A. he wanted to live in a new place B. he wanted to feed his cows C. he had lost his house

D. he wanted to improve his wife's health Çë¸ù¾ÝÐèÒªÌîÈëScript£º

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