
UNIT 8测试卷

时间:60分钟 满分:100分

第Ⅰ卷 听力部分(20分)

一、听句子,选出句子中包含的信息(每小题1分,共5分) 1.A.bank B.library C.restaurant 2.A.turn right B.turn left C.go down 3.A.police office B.supermarket C.post office 4.A.next to B.near C.across from 5.A.keep B.spend C.enjoy


________(6) ________(7) ________(8)

________(9) ________(10)

三、听对话及问题,选择最佳答案(每小题1分,共5分) 11.A.He wants to go to the bank.

B.He wants to go to the park. C.He wants to go to the post office. 12.A.He lives in a restaurant.

B.He lives in a park. C.He lives in a big hotel. 13.A.It's next to the supermarket.

B.It's behind the supermarket. C.It's across from the supermarket.

14.A.It's near an old street. B.It's near a quiet street.

C.It's near a busy street.

15.A.No,there isn't. B.I don't know.

C.Yes,there is.


16. What's between Linda's house and a clothes store?

A.A hospital. B.A bank. C.A library. 17. When does Linda go to the library?

A.After school. B.After dinner. C.After lunch.

18. What do Linda and her mother often do in the park?

A.Take a walk. B.Run. C.Play tennis.

19. What is Linda's favorite place?

A.The park. B.The library. C.The bookstore. 20. Where is the pay phone?

A.Behind the park. B.Next to the bookstore. C.In front of the bank.

第Ⅱ 卷 笔试部分(80分)


21.There ________ some bread and cakes on the table.

A.is B.are C.have D.has 22.—Let's put the desk ________ the two beds.

—That sounds good.

A.on B.in C.between D.and

23.We can get money in the ________ and borrow books in the ________.

A.post office;bank B.bank;library C.library;bank D.bank;post office

24.—The government is ________ plenty of money building the


—We are pleased with the government's efforts. A.costing B.paying C.taking D.spending

25.This math problem isn't so difficult that I can work it out ________.

A.easily B.usually C.loudly D.quietly

26.My house is ________ the garden.

A.cross in B.across from C.cross from D.across at

27.Look! There is a blackboard ________ our classroom.

A.in the front of B.in front of C.on front of D.on the front of 28.—________.How can I get to the bank?

—Just go straight and you can find it. A.Sorry B.Yes C.Excuse me D.Pardon me

29.—Paul,is there a post office near our school?

—________.It's just next to the supermarket. A.Yes,there is B.Yes,it is C.No,there isn't D.No,it isn't 30.—Is there a pay phone ________ the neighborhood?

—Yes,it's________ Center Street________ the right. A.in;down;on B.on;on;in C.in;on;in D.on;down;on


Welcome to Center Street. Center Street is a great place to enjoy ________(31) .There are ________(32) stores on it. It is a very ________(33) street. If you want to ________(34) you can go to the video arcade. It

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