
购 销 合 同


卖 方:xx水泥集团有限公司 办公地址:

邮政地址: (Postal add & Office add is different; Courier can not be sent to a mail box) 电 话: 传 真:

Seller: Office Address: Postal Address: Tel. No.:

Fax No.:

制造商:xx水泥有限公司 Manufacturer: xxi Cement Co., Ltd.

Buyer : Office Address:

Postal Address: Tel. No. : Fax No. :

Contract No. : SSG/ /CEM/2009-001

Place of Contract : xxx, China. (Important: for claim settlement) Date of Contract : February 26, 2012


Seller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to buy the under mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions as stated below: 第一条 货物名称

由xx水泥有限公司生产的普通硅酸盐水泥 CLAUSE1. Commodity

Ordinary Portland Cement manufactured by Yxx Cement Co., Ltd. (Important to clarify, 40 subsidiaries)

第二条 品质规格

符合中国国家标准GB 175-2007的普通硅酸盐水泥52.5级。 CLAUSE 2. Quality & Specification

Ordinary Portland Cement conforming to China National Cement Standard GB 175-2007 Grade 52.5.

(Australia: EN 197-1:2000 CEM I & CEM II claims)

第三条 数量


3.2 船舶载货量2000吨,+/-5%由买方选择,船舶规范须符合第十条之规定,并需经卖方邮件确认。

CLAUSE 3. Quantity

3.1. Total 2,000 Metric Tons, 5% plus or minus at Buyer’s option.

3.2. Shipment size shall be 2000 MT, +/- 5% at Buyer’s option, but subject to the performing vessel’s particulars as described in CLAUSE 10 and Seller’s email confirmation. (Better to fix +/- 10% to avoid L/C quantity tolerance; Important: Vessel confirmation

a. Qingdao bulk cem loading spout – unfitable

b. Rizhao bulk clk loadi

12@gma联系客服:779662525#qq.com(#替换为@) 苏ICP备20003344号-4