大学英语精读2试卷 (1)



使用对象:英语13401、13402、13403 模块名称:A卷 出题学院:外语学院 考试形式:闭卷

题号 得分 一 二 三 四 五 总分

I. Choose the best answer (25%)

1. The movie star _________ with your sister , didn't he? A. was used to dance B. used to dancing C. used to dance D. was used to dancing 2. The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, _________________. A. her long hair flowed in the breeze.

B. her long hair was flowing in the breeze. C. her long hair flow in the breeze. D. her long hair flowing in the breeze. 3. Mother insisted that _____________.

A. they are to be back before nine in the evening. B. they ought to be back before nine in the evening. C. they be back before nine in the evening.

D. they had to be back before nine in the evening.

4. The professor paused as if _____ his students to ask questions on the point he had just made.

A. expecting B. to expect C. expected D. to have expected 5. I couldn't understand why he pretended ________ in the bookstore.

A. to see me not B. not to see me C. not see me D. to see not me 6. The classroom was almost empty ____________ a desk or two.


A. besides B. except for C. except D. In addition to

7. It was in that small room ________ they worked hard and dreamed of better days to come.

A. what B. in which C. which D. that 8. __________, you must show your ticket to go into the cinema.

A. No matter whoever you are B. Whoever you are

C. Whomever you are D. No matter who are you 9. ________ that the left side of the human brain is responsible for logic. A. It generally is believed B. It is believed generally C. It is generally believed D. Generally it is believed 10. Scientists didn't know much about lung cancer ___________. A. before long B. until recently C. long before D. in the past few years

11. Nobody would believe his words though he said he was of the crime. A) pure B) clear C) innocent D) guilty 12. The university are having to the government for more money. A) call at B) call on C) appeal for D) appeal to

13. The basic reason for a protective tariff is to goods that will undersell products made in the home country.

A) keep off B) keep out C) keep up D) deep down

14. A lawyer’s income is usually high, more than 200 000 dollars a year. A) add up to B) added up to C) amounted to D) amounting to

15. Most offices are having to themselves against computer theft. A) assure B) ensure C) sure D) insure

16. It was very of you to let us know you were going to be late.

A) considering B) considerate C) considerable D) considered

17. The little boy cried and would not the boy which he wanted his mother to buy for him.

A) let off B) let away C) let go of D) let alone

18. The fall in price is directly to the increase in output.

A) concerned B) connected C) related D) united

19. Do you have any idea what he meant? I really can’t what he said at this morning’s meeting.

A) figure on B) figure out C) find out D) find

20. We should really take some effective to prevent such terrible things from happening again.

A) steps B) means C) measure D) ways

21. If you love plants, the chances are you buy them on _____ and then wonder where to

put them.


A). purpose B). impulse C). display D). cue

22. We should see ourselves as part of nature rather than in ________ with it. A). argument B). connection C). conflict D). crash

23. During the nine months before her baby is born, he face is one ______ smile. A). humble B0. exclusive C). perpetual D). modest 24. His bedroom ________ a single bed with a small television at its foot. A). makes up B). consist of C). lays out D). serves as 25. Andrew was determined to _____ a computer career after graduation. A). apply B). shave C). purse D). select

II. Cloze (20%)

When my wife, who is Spanish, spent her first winter in London a few years ago, she used to ask me time and again: “ Where’s the fog?” Almost all foreigners ____26____ to find the city wreathed(萦绕)in yellow-grey mist for most of the year. Dickens, who was ___27_____

responsible for painting this ____28_____ in people’s minds, certainly wasn’t exaggerating in those days. People __29____ in the nineteenth century that when someone __30____ suicide by jumping into the Thames he was choked by the fog and poisoned by the terrible __31_____ of the river before he had time to drown himself. In fact, the situation ___32____ in recent years. When I was a boy in London thirty years ago I was often unable to see ____33___ of the road when I left home on winter mornings.

The decisive steps that have turned London into one of the ___34____ cities in the world __35____ taken at the end of the 1950s. But Londoners still ___36___ that fog ___37___ returns. The change took place as a result of two main improvements. Factories were compelled to install clean air equipment __38____ close down, and private householders were not allowed to ___39_____ coal unless it was smoke-free. But the ___40____ ecological miracle in London occurred __41____ 1964 onwards when the Thames Water Authority began to pump vast ___42___ of dissolved oxygen into the river. ____43____, all the species of fish that had

gradually disappeared from the Thames __44____ 1800 have returned. Some are even caught by fishermen ___45___ the House Of Parliament.

26. A. look forward B. manage C. wish D. expect 27. A. first of all B. above all C. after all D. all the more 28. A. picture B. image C. photo D. portrait 29. A. were used to saying B. used to saying C. were used to say D. used to say

30. A. made B. committed C. did D. was committed 31. A. fume B. smell C. smoke D. gas

32. A. only has changed B. only changed C. has only changed D. changed only 33. A. other side B. another side C. the other side D. another side


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