[首发]课时练习最新牛津版八年级英语期末复习—8A Unit 8教师版




1. natural disasters自然灾害


e.g. ①natural gas天然气 ②an air disaster 一次空难 ③Bad weather sometimes causes natural disasters.

2. be all wet全湿了,全身湿透→ wet湿的,dry干的 3. hear the rain听到雨声

〈知识链接〉⑴listen听,指听的动作;hear听到,指听的结果。e.g. We listened but heard nothing.

⑵hear of…听说… e.g. ①I’ve never heard of such a man. ②He’s heard of it before.

⑶hear+that从句,听说…,We hear that the famous actress died last year. ⑷hear from sb=receive/get a letter from sb=receive sb’s letter收到某人的信 ⑸hear sb do sth听到某人做某事→sb be heard to do sth (注意被动语态中必须带to) hear sb doing sth听到某人在做某事→sb be heard doing sth

①I heard her laugh.我听到她笑了。→She was heard to laugh by me. ②I heard her laughing.我听到她在笑。→She was heard laughing by me. 4. half an hour later半小时后

some time later一段时间以后,用于一般过去时中,用When提问;in some time一段时间以后,用于一般将来时中,用How soon提问。

⑴—When did you hear the news? —Not until three days later. ⑵—How soon will he return from Shanghai? —In a week.



5. mop all the water up把所有的水拖干净,mop →mopping →mopped 6. start a big fire引起一场大火→ catch fire着火


① There are fewer big fires this year than last year. ② Cotton catches fire easily.

③It was so cold that they started a fire in the room. 7. fall from a tree and hurt legs从树上掉下来摔伤了腿 (p94)

⑴fall down from…=fall off…从…上掉下,fall down掉下,fall over向前摔倒,fall into…掉到…里

e.g. He was so careless that he fell into the river.

⑵hurt→ hurting→ hurt→ hurt ①vt.伤…He hurt his foot by jumping over a fence. ②vt.伤感情 His words hurt me. ③vi.(身体部位)痛 My foot still hurts.

8. an earthquake survivor一位地震幸存者→ survive the earthquake在地震中幸存 9. feel a slight shaking through my body感到一阵轻微的震动传遍全身 10. hear a loud noise like thunder听到像雷声似的一声巨响 11. look at each other in fear恐惧地面面相觑

in fear恐惧地,shake with fear吓得发抖,fearful可怕的,fearless无畏的 12. pieces of glass and bricks玻璃片和砖块

13. fall down掉下,come down倒塌,calm down平静下来

14. be trapped in/at/under+地点,被困在某地,e.g. He had nothing to eat when he was trapped under it.

15. shout for help,scream for help大声呼救



16. hear shouts from excited people听到激动的人群的叫喊声

excited兴奋的;激动的,修饰人。exciting令人兴奋的;令人激动的;扣人心弦的 We are excited about the exciting news. 17. weather report=weather forecast天气预报

18. the low temperature最低温度,the high temperature最高温度 (注意不能用tall修饰温度)

19. plan a trip to Tangshan计划去唐山旅游→ plan a trip to…计划去某地旅游 20. drive you to school as usual像往常一样开车送你去上学

21. break down出故障;(车辆等)抛锚,ring someone to come and help打电话叫人来帮忙

22. make a snowball堆雪球,make a snowman堆雪人,play in the snow在雪地里玩 (p101)

23. an accident report事故报告,an accident report form事故报告单

24. weather conditions天气状况,number of victims受害者人数,conditions of victims受害者状况,send the victims to hospital把受害者送往医院

25. cover the whole road覆盖整个路面

cover ⑴n.封面;盖子;e.g. ①Put the cover on the pot.把壶盖盖上。②from cover to cover (书、杂志等的)从头至尾 ⑵vt.包括;遮盖;覆盖→be covered with…被…覆盖,cover→discover发现,e.g. ①His diary covered the years 1990-1995.他的日记记述1990年至1995年的事。②Mother covered him with a blanket. ③The top of the mountain is covered with snow. ④Who discovered America in 1492?

26. get worse更糟糕,by then到那时为止 (p103)

27. call the 110 hot-line using his mobile phone用手机打110热线


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