

Module 1 单元测试卷

测试时间:100分钟 本卷总分:150分

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



It had been a hot day and the beach was packed all day with people enjoying the sun and surf. Normally our beach is well protected so that it's a great family swimming beach. But when ocean waves come up, like any beach, conditions become dangerous.

The sun was setting in the west and we were getting ready to pack up. Just then the wind started and was blowing across the sand. My Captain Allan saw some swimmers in trouble, telling me to go and help. And I'm just 15 years old. It was going to be a memorable day. When I got to the swimmers, I realized there were three people in trouble. All were teenagers, three boys. I was a little scared (害怕) because they were older than me. All the thoughts of people almost drowning their rescuers that we learned in training came flooding back to me. Often when a swimmer is in trouble and when you go to assist them, they do whatever they can to get out of the water—including climbing on top of you—when they are in panic.

I yelled out to the boy close to me, telling him that I was a qualified surf lifesaver. “Do you need my help?” I shouted, thinking they might not want me because they might think I was too young or not strong enough to save them. “Yes, please!” was their immediate response. That put my mind at ease—I knew it didn't matter to them who was rescuing them. I was a surf lifesaver and I was going to get them back to shore.

I signaled to shore that I needed assistance, and two other lifesavers came out. Together we got the three tired and panicked swimmers back to shore. It was a pretty amazing feeling. On that day, I was just so proud to be a surf lifesaver.

21.When did the wind start and was blowing across the sand? A.In the morning. B.At noon.

C.Late in the afternoon. D.At night.

22.What does the underlined word “That” in Paragraph 3 refer to? A.The author was strong enough.

B.The three swimmers needed his help. C.The author could turn to others for aid. D.The three swimmers were not so nervous. 23.What do we know about the author?

A.He and the other two lifesavers saved three little boys’ lives. B.He was almost drowned while rescuing the three teenagers. C.He would receive training about how to save drowning people. D.He and his family had a good time enjoying the sun and surf. 24.The passage tells us that ________. A.it was cloudy for most time of the day

B.Allan was the first to go and assist the swimmers C.the three people in trouble were older than the author D.the author was not so good at rescuing drowning people 答案:

21.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段:The sun was setting in the west and we were getting ready to pack up. Just then the wind started and was blowing across the sand可得答案。 答案:C

22.解析:词意猜测题。根据第三段:“Do you need my help?”和“Yes, please!”可得答案。 答案:B

23.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段可知答案。 答案:A

24.解析:事实判断题。根据第二段:I was a little scared (害怕)because they were older than me可得答案。



A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Great Papers

Time For Kids

Want to be a better writer? TFK's “Write Ideas” gives your writing a rise by walking you through every step involved in writing a paper. Using sample papers, idea organizers and checklists, you can write better research papers, persuasive essays, news stories and much more.

Spelling, Grammar and More English Zone

This is the perfect site for English homework: It has a section on almost every topic you will cover in English class, such as spelling, parts of speech and writing. It does not just give you a summary of the topic; rather it makes sure you understand it completely.

Reading Rocks! Reading Rockets

From this great resource, learn to love reading or to love it even more! Read articles about reading and education, and share them with your teachers and parents. You can even read books by famous authors like Jane Yolen and Patricia MacLachlan.

Definitions, Rhymes and Word Games Merriam-Webster Word Central

If you want to review words you know and learn new ones, visit this site. Here you’ll visit a school called “Word Central” where you can click on different areas to learn things like definitions and rhymes for different words or play word games.

Help with Foreign Languages

Kidspace @ The Internet Public Library

This is a really cool site if you need help with foreign-language homework. It teaches you how to say hello in

many different languages and has a lot of other useful information. It also tells how you can listen to real people saying the words in other languages.

25.Which of the following sites can help you remember the new words? A.Time For Kids. B.English Zone.

C.Reading Rockets. D.Merriam-Webster Word Central.

26.The ad is mainly intended to ________. A.increase the students’ learning skills B.offer some useful sites in language study C.attract the students to join some learning club D.help students understand language study better

27.“Help with Foreign Language” can teach you how to ________. A.read books by famous authors

B.say hello in many different languages C.write better research papers D.use grammar in a right way 答案:

25.解析:事实判断题。由第四个网站的第一句可知,Merriam-Webster Word Central网站能帮你记单词。


26.解析:主旨大意题。综观全文可知本文主要介绍了一些对语言学习有帮助的网站。 答案:B

27.解析:事实判断题。根据最后一段第二句话可知答案。 答案:B


Weather changes when the temperature and the amount of water in the atmosphere change.We can see and feel water coming from the atmosphere when we have rain.But the water must somehow get back to the atmosphere.Meteorologists call this the water cycle.

There are many stages in the water cycle.Rain falls when water vapour in clouds condenses(凝结). Drops of water form and fall to the ground.The water soaks into the ground and feeds streams and rivers.A lot of rain falls into the sea.The heat of the sun evaporates some of the water in the ground and in the rivers,lakes,and the sea.It changes the liquid water into water vapour.The vapour rises onto the air.Water vapour is normally invisible.On a very damp or humid day,however,you can sometimes see water vapour rising from a puddle(水坑) or pond in a mist(薄雾) above the water.Water vapour also gets into the air from living things.Trees and other plants take in water through their roots and give off water vapour from their leaves.People and land animal drink water and breathe out water vapour.In all these ways the water returns to the air.There it gathers to form clouds and condenses to form rain.The rain falls to earth,and the cycle starts again.It continues even if snow or hail(冰雹) fall instead because both eventually melt to form water.The amount of water vapour in the air depends on the temperature.The air is more moist(潮湿) in the tropics(热带) than in the cold polar regions.

28.What is the main idea of the passage? A.Water cycle. B.Water vapour. C.How rain forms.


29.How many ways of the water returning to the air are discussed in the text? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

30.Whether water vapour can be seen or not depends on________. A.how much water is evaporated B.how good your eyes are

C.in which way water is evaporated D.climate or weather

31.From the passage we get to know________.

A.there is more water vapour in the air in the tropics than in cold polar regions B.there is more water vapour in the air in cold polar region than in the tropics

C.it gets more rain in the tropics than in cold polar regions because there is less vapour D.the amount of water vapour in the air depends on how often it rains 答案:

28.解析:主旨大意题。全文讲述的是水循环,因此A为最佳答案。 答案:A



30.解析:推理判断题。从“On a very damp or humid day,however,you can sometimes see water vapour rising from a puddle(水坑)or pond in a mist(薄雾)above the water”得此答案。 答案:D

31.解析:推理判断题。我们从文章知道是热量将水蒸发,因此可以推知A为正确选项。 答案:A


When a storm is coming,most people leave the area as quickly as possible and head for safety.But there are a few people who will get into their cars and go straight for the center of the storm.These people are willing to risk(冒……危险)being killed by floods or 100-kilometer-an-hour winds for the excitement of watching the storm

close up.

“Storm chasing(追逐)”is becoming an increasingly popular hobby(喜好),especially in the Midwest of the United States,where there are frequent storms between March and July.A storm chaser begins the day by checking the Internet for the latest weather reports,and then drives up to 1,000 kilometers to where the storm will be and waits for it to develop.

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