


1. —Stamp your _______. —OK.

A. nose B. finger C. foot D. hand 2. I'd like some ____________.

A. bread B. egg C. pen

3. 朋友不太舒服,你可以对他(她)说:_________ A. Are you good? B. Are you okay?

班级_______________ 座号______ 姓名_______________ 分数_______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________ A. bear B. bird

5. 当别人对你说:Nice to meet you时,你回答: A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you, too. C. OK! 6. _____ is my sister.

A. She B. I C. You 7. 怎么用英语介绍John?( ) A.Nice to meet you ,John. B.This is John.

8. It's blue.( ) A、它是一个蓝色的。 B、它是蓝色的。

9. 为下列图片选择适当的句子:

A. It's a birthday cake. B. Can I have some bread? 10.当你想询问别人发生什么事了时,应说:_________ A.What’s matter? B.What’s the matter?

11.当你与新朋友John遇到Sarah时,你应该介绍说: A. Good morning, Sarah. B. This is Sarah. 12.—Good morning, class! —______!

A.Hello B.Good afternoon C.Good morning 13.What a ____ map of China! A.small B.big C.little 14.Sarah: Good morning, Mr. Black! Mr. Black:____________________ A.Hello, Sarah. B.Good morning, Sarah.

第 1 页,共 8 页

C.I’m Mr. Black. D.Good afternoon, Sarah. 15.It is _____ book, Tom. A.you





16.Look, find and draw. 照一照,画一画。找到ABCDE单词的中文意思,把序号填在相应的横线上。然后按照中文意思的顺序画出相应的图片,注意顺序不能乱。

17.What’s that?

It’s a _______________.

18.写出下列字母相对应的大写或小写形式. (1)b (2)G (3)K (4)m (5)j (6)q (7)X (8)t (9)D (10)h (11)I (12)p (13)R (14)V (15)Y (16)f

19.This is a ________(女孩子).

20.连词成句。(只写出序号即可) 1. am I Liu Xia

__________________________________________________________. 2. Zoom Are you

第 2 页,共 8 页

__________________________________________________________? 3. is there Who

__________________________________________________________? 4. your Close book

__________________________________________________________. 5. me your Show ruler

__________________________________________________________. 6. my can I ABCs say

__________________________________________________________. 21.根据每张图片写单词,使句意完整。 I study _____.

22.根据所给单词,补充完成下面对话。 Thank They’re computer welcome Ken’s A: Hi, Ken. Do you know whose 1.____ is this? B: It’s 2.____ computer. A: Whose books are those? B: 3.____ Aunt Booky’s books. A: 4.____ you. B: You are 5.____.

23.小朋友快来猜一猜。(根据英文句子的描述,猜一猜是哪种小动物。请画图并在图下写上英文单词) (1) I have long ears and two red eyes. (2) I have got a very long nose. I can run fast. My nose is big.

(3) I have two green eyes .I am black. I like ti eat mouse.

第 3 页,共 8 页

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